X-ray Microcomputed Tomography at IMiP

X-ray computed tomograpy on a very small scale

The properties of a product depend largely on the internal structure, composition and homogeneity of the individual particles or agglomerates. Chemically identical products, manufactured in different processes, can have very different properties due to different porosity or the inhomogeneous distribution of the binder.

X-ray Microcomputed tomography (micro-CT) offers the possibility to analyze the inner structure of small objects non-destructively and without time-consuming sample preparation. For an X-ray tomographic analysis, several hundred images of the sample are taken at different viewing angles. By combining the images, a special reconstruction algorithm is used to generate cross-sectional images of the sample, known as tomograms. These can be assembled into a complete three-dimensional structure of the sample and analyzed in three dimensions using image analysis methods.

The X-ray images and tomograms show the spatial mass density distribution in the sample (gray values). With known ingredients and their mass densities, different components of a sample can be identified and their spatial distribution in the sample can be analyzed.

The spatial resolution of the device available at the institute (Skyscan 1272) is 0.45 µm.

Interesting Application Examples

A 3D representation is generated from the images by reconstruction. Image processing and subsequent image analysis in three-dimensional space allows the extraction of structural features such as cracks, air inclusions or defects. These structural features can be evaluated according to size distribution, shape, position in 3D space, etc. The videos show a visualization of these structural features.

Characterizing Materials with x-ray Micro CT

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Rekonstruiertes 3D-Objekt aus Micro-Computertomographiedaten.
Rekonstruiertes 3D-Objekt aus Micro-Computertomographiedaten.
Rekonstruiertes 3D-Objekt aus Micro-Computertomographiedaten.

We look forward to your message

Trier University of Applied Sciences, Environmental Campus Birkenfeld
Institute of Micro Process Engineering and Particle Technology
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Bröckel
Campusallee 9914
55768 Hoppstädten-Weiersbach



Mail: u.broeckel(at)umwelt-campus.de
Phone: +49 6782 17-1503

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