New article describes Green Software measurement reference model

The picture displays the 5 Components of the Green Software Measurement Model (GSMM), as well as its outputs.
Green Software Measurement Model (GSMM)

Resource and energy-efficient software is a relatively new field of research and software-induced environmental impacts are rarely considered during development.

The research field of resource and energy-efficient software is still rather young and there are uncertainties and ambiguities hindering people from conducting their own measurements. This leads to the software-induced environmental impact only rarely being considered in practice. While researchers and practitioners have produced methods, tools, guides, etc. that can be used in certain environments for certain software, a comprehensive research framework is still missing. This is necessary, especially as a step towards a standardized implementation of measurements in the industry.

Graphical abstract of the article

The article presents a generic reference measurement model for assessing the energy and resource efficiency of software products and components thereof. Our model describes the main components of software energy and hardware usage measurements, including the measured object, measurement goals, measures, metrics, procedure models, measurement setups, and data evaluation models. It allows categorizing and tailoring existing methods and developing new ones that suit the requirements of the individual use case. This way, the model aids practitioners in developing, planning, conducting, and analyzing measurements for their software.

We have examined several measurement methods and models from the literature and from international researcher and practitioner groups, and we have derived the central components, outcomes, metrics, and metadata from them. In this way, we develop a systematic approach for the assessment of the energy and resource requirements of software. We apply and discuss the model by juxtaposing the measurement and assessment methods and discuss them in relation to the generic reference measurement model.

In an open repository, we provide the model and additional information, such as a glossary, and invite the scientific, developer, and DevOps community as well as all other stakeholders to contribute to the repository to create and continuously enhance a comprehensive collection and promote discussion. This way, we provide a central point of entry for researchers and practitioners who plan to conduct their own measurements, tailor existing methods to their use-case, or develop a new, specialized method.

The article is available open access in the journal Future Generation Computer Systems:
A. Guldner, R. Bender, C. Calero, G.S. Fernando, M. Funke, J. Gröger, L.M. Hilty, J. Hörnschemeyer, G.-D. Hoffmann, D. Junger, T. Kennes, S. Kreten, P. Lago, F. Mai, I. Malavolta, J. Murach, K. Obergöker, B. Schmidt, A. Tarara, J.P. De Veaugh-Geiss, S. Weber, M. Westing, V. Wohlgemuth & S. Naumann: Development and evaluation of a reference measurement model for assessing the resource and energy efficiency of software products and components—Green Software Measurement Model (GSMM). In: Future Generation Computer Systems 155 (June 2024), pp. 402–418. issn: 0167-739X. doi: 10.1016/j.future.2024.01.033

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