Interlibrary loan

What does interlibrary loan offer me?

Registered users of the campus library can access the interlibrary loan service of German libraries and have media from other libraries delivered to the Environmental Campus. It is possible:

  • to borrow books or other media such as DVDs,
  • to order copies of journal articles or sections of texts, e.g. book chapters.

A flat-rate expense charge is levied per order, which is settled via a transaction number (TAN). You can place the order yourself. Alternatively, you are welcome to visit us at the information desk.

In the following overview you will find the most important information about interlibrary loans.

Conditions & costs

What can I order and what not?

The interlibrary loan service enables you to order media for academic purposes that are contained in the collections of other libraries.

The following documents are excluded from this service:

  • media belonging to the stock of the libraries of the Trier University of Applied Sciences (regardless of the current loan status)
  • works available in the book trade at a lower price (current price limit: 15.00 EUR)
  • works of particular value, especially from the 16th and 17th centuries
  • works in poor condition
  • loose-leaf collections and unbound periodicals (e. g. periodicals, newspaper issues)
  • standards
  • diploma theses and other university publications.
Flat Rate for Expenses (= Loan Costs)

Expense flate rate in general:

As a cost for an interlibrary loan, you have to pay a flat rate fee per ordered medium (book, article copy, etc.). The amount is also due if the order cannot be fulfilled positively (i.e. if, for example, no library can deliver the document within the desired period).

The lump sum is settled via the acquisition of transaction numbers (TAN).

The amount of the expense flate rate is determined by the maintenance providers of the lending libraries (see Annex 5 of the Leihverkehrsordnung Rheinland-Pfalz, p. 333).

Overview of fees per medium:

  • national lending in general: 3,00 EUR
  • national interlibrary loan for beneficiary users such as students, pupils, etc.: 1.50 EUR
  • international lending in general: 4.00 EUR. Further costs may be added. The amount of the costs depends on the respective lending library.
  • international lending for beneficiary users such as students, pupils, etc.: 2.00 EUR. Further costs may be added. The amount of the costs depends on the respective lending library.

Additional costs may apply if copies of more than 20 pages are made. The amount of the costs depends on the respective lending library.

Purchase TAN (Transaction Number)

You will need a transaction number (TAN) for each item in order to place an interlibrary loan order. This is used to charge the flat rate for expenses.

You can purchase a TAN:

Research & order

Research: PRIMO, Search Engines and DigiBib

Check: Is the medium available without interlibrary loan?

Use the following search tools, among others, to check whether the desired media are in the library stocks of Trier UAS or freely available online:

Check: Is an item available via interlibrary loan?

You can use the following search tool to check whether an item can actually be ordered via interlibrary loan:

Order: Books or Book Sections

Way 1: by yourself via DigiBib

  1. Purchase a TAN via fernleihe(at) before ordering.
  2. Open the DigiBib, switch to the English surface and log in (via Schibboleth)
  3. Open the "ILL: Books and Books Sections" section via the "Search & Inter-Library Loan" pull-down menu on the home screen.
  4. Start the search for the desired title by entering words from the book title, the author's name or the ISBN in the fields provided and clicking on "Search".  
  5. You will receive a list of hits. Look in it for a suitable entry (the publication history is the decisive criterion here). It is important that the entry does not contain the note "Electronic resource".
  6. Click on the "To ILL Order Form" button on the right-hand side of the matching entry.
  7. Use the pull-down menu to select whether you would like to order the whole book or just a section or chapter of the book. Enter any missing data as completely as possible. Also enter your TAN.
  8. Click on "Order now" and send the order.
  9. If you have any questions, please contact the interlibrary loan team directly with your order and send an e-mail to

Way 2: Together with us at the information desk (or by e-mail)

If possible, please bring the following information with you:

  • author
  • title
  • year of publication
  • if necessary: edition
  • if known: ISBN
  • information: Would you like exactly this edition or would an older one also be ok?
  • for section copies: page numbers

Example: "Losee, John: A historical introduction to the philosophy of science, 201o (4th ed.), ISBN: 978-0198700555. Please no older editions".

Order: Copies of Articles

Way 1: by yourself via DigiBib

  1. Purchase a TAN via fernleihe(at) before ordering.
  2. Open the DigiBib, switch to the English surface and log in (via Schibboleth).
  3. Open the "ILL: Journal Articles" section via the "Search & Inter-Library Loan" pull-down menu on the home screen.
  4. Search for the journal in which the desired article is contained. To do this, fill in at least one of the search fields "Words from Journal title", "Journal title begins with" or "ISSN".
  5. You will receive a list of hits. Look for a suitable entry (the publication history is the decisive criterion here). It is important that the entry does not contain the note "Electronic resource".
  6. Click on the "To ILL Order Form" button on the right-hand side of the matching entry.
  7. Enter all missing data for the desired article as completely as possible. Also enter your TAN.
  8. Click on "Order now" and send the order.
  9. If you have any questions, please contact the interlibrary loan team directly with your order and send an e-mail to fernleihe(at)

Way 2: Together with us at the information desk (or by e-mail)

If possible, please bring the following information with you:

  • author of the article
  • title of the article
  • title of the journal
  • year of publication of the journal issue / volume of the journal
  • issue number
  • page numbers of the article in the journal
  • if known: ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) of the journal
  • information: Up to what amount are you willing to pay additional costs (for aritcles longer than twenty pages)?

Example: "Perini, Laura: The truth in pictures, 2005. In: Philosophy of Science, 72(1), pp. 262-285, ISSN: 0031-8248. Additional costs up to max. 4.00 EUR".

After the order

Track Order: Interlibrary Loan Account

You can track the status of your orders both via DigiBib and to a limited extent via PRIMO.

  • DigiBib:

    Open DigiBib and log in using the "Log in" button (via Shibboleth). You will receive an overview of your current orders via the "My account" tab.
  • PRIMO:

    Open PRIMO and log in to your library account (via Shibboleth). The "Requests" tab provides you with an overview of your current orders, among other things.
Delivery Times

It is not possible to give a reliable indication of delivery times. From experience you can expect the following times (without guarantee):

  • media for loan (books, DVDs etc.): one to three weeks
  • text copies: two to fourteen days
Notification & Pick Up

As soon as your order arrives at the library at the Environmental Campus, you will be notified by e-mail. You can then pick up the medium at the information desk of the library.

Loan Periods

The loan period of a borrowed medium (book, DVD etc.) is determined by the lending library - i.e. the library from whose stock the medium is borrowed.


To return media (books etc.) borrowed via interlibrary loan, please use the return terminal in the room in front of the library. Simply let the item slide through the return slot; it will be automatically returned. Please leave the loan receipt in the book!

Press the button on the right to get a return receipt.

Note: Text copies do not have to be returned, they remain in your possession.

Overdue Fees

For all media (books, DVDs, etc.) that you borrowed via interlibrary loan and returned or renewed too late, overdue fees will be charged:

  • per medium and per day: 2,00 EUR


On the general process:

To ongoing loans


Web Editing Library

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