Greater Green

Project Group of the project Greater Green
Photo: Eva Müller
Organigramm of the project Greater Green
Event of the project Greater Green
Greater Green Partner in the Region

GREATER GREEN is the meta-cluster of environmental technology in the Greater Region (“Grande Région” covering eastern France, Saarland, Rhineland Palatinate, Luxembourg and Wallonia). Regional clusters and research institutions are networking to exchange information on state of the art, market opportunities and to design new projects. The creation of new market access is explicitly the focus of the efforts. This is done through a targeted joint marketing of the Greater Region as an environmental technology competence region. GREATER GREEN acts as a meta-cluster in direct form with the regional coordinators and the member clusters connected to the network. Making the offers of these clusters known across borders is a positive side effect of GREATER GREEN.

To increase the visibility of environmental technology in the Greater Region, GREATER GREEN visits trade fairs (such as the World Efficiency Forum in Paris or IFAT in Munich) and organises GREATER GREEN Days (as part of the Green Win conference “Green Chemistry - White Biotechnology”). In addition, separate events are held on the core topics of environmental technology, water and wastewater management, sustainable construction, renewable energies, as well as circular economy and recycling. Within the framework of GREATER GREEN, the environmental technology sector will be further developed on a cross-border basis in the future.

In October 2018, a conference was held in Trier in cooperation with the QuattroPole (the cross border network of the cities of Luxembourg, Metz, Saarbrücken and Trier) , the Interreg project GReENEFF, the LIFE project ZENAPA and the Stadtwerke Trier. According to the motto of sustainable planning, construction and management of neighbourhoods - ideas, concepts and implementation in the Greater Region, around 160 experts from the entire Greater Region discussed the cradle to cradle principle and criteria for sustainable construction. GREATER GREEN is also working on an inventory of the environmental technology sector in the Greater Region, which will be completed during the summer of 2020 with the publication of exemplary projects ("Leuchtturm-Projekte"). With the expansion of the network to currently 27 partners, the project consortium has been granted an extension until December 2020. The project partners have devised ways and means to maintain activities beyond the Interreg funding period – working groups will continue to meet, new co-operations are being developed (for example in wood-based construction).

Consortium Trier University of Applied Sciences (Environmental Campus Birkenfeld), Luxinnovation GIE, Région Grand Est, Grand-E-Nov, Hydreos, Saarland University of Applied Sciences for Technology and Economics, Walloon Agency for Export and Foreign Investments
Duration October 2016 - December 2020
Funded by European Union from the European Regional Development Fund (Interreg V A Greater Region program), Ministry for the Environment, Energy, Nutrition and Forestry Rhineland-Palatinate
Funding amount 1,409,999 €, share of Trier University of Applied Sciences: 579,444 €

Project management at Trier University of Applied Sciences:

Prof. Dr. Stefan Naumann
Prof. Dr. Stefan Naumann, Dipl.-Inform.
Professor FB Umweltplanung/Umwelttechnik - FR Informatik


+49 6782 17-1217
+49 6782 17-1454


Birkenfeld | Building 9925 | Room 133


In der vorlesungsfreien Zeit nach Absprache per E-Mail sowie bei Anwesenheit.
Prof. Dr. Henrik te Heesen
Prof. Dr. Henrik te Heesen
Professor FB Umweltplanung/Umwelttechnik - FR Maschinenbau


+49 6782 17-1908


Birkenfeld | Building 9925 | Room 12


nur nach Vereinbarung per E-Mail/only by arrangement via mail
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