Friede-Gard-Award and Workshops Registration

Kontaktformular/contact form

Teilnahme (Preisverleihung)/participation (Award Ceremony)
Teilnahme (Symposium)/participation (symposium)

Felder, die mit einem * gekennzeichnet sind, müssen ausgefüllt werden./Fields marked with * are required.

Sobald sie dieses Formular absenden, erhalten Sie eine Bestätigungs-E-Mail mit den Angaben die Sie gemacht haben./Once you submit this form, you will receive a confirmation email with the information you have provided.

Preliminary Program:

Thursday, 13.10.2022, 18:00 - 20:00:
Award ceremony incl. music by Hemmi Donié and catering.

Friday & Saturday, 14 & 15.10.2022:
Workshop with the following contents:

• Short critique of neoclassical economics (lecture)

• Deriving macroeconomic dynamics directly from macroeconomic definitions (lecture)

• Proving that credit are (the most volatile) part of aggregate demand and income (lecture)

• Building a basic MMT model using Godley Tables in Minsky (workshop)

• Building Goodwin's cyclical growth model using Minsky's flowchart tool (workshop)

• Extending to Minsky's FIH using flowcharts (workshop)

• Combining Godley Tables and flowcharts (workshop)

• Complexity and emergence in far from equilibrium systems (lecture)

(subject to change)

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