Applied Research

Scientific research

Publications (Selection)

(For a full list of publications have a look at the respective institute member's personal website, see our team)

Marketing & Customer Communication: Research and Application

  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. 2022. Cross-platform analysis. Research Methods for Digital Discourse Analysis, ed. by Camilla Vasquez. Bloomsbury Publishing.

  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. 2020. Section on "Crisis Communication via Social Media: Can You Do Better?", in: Whalen, D. Joel. 2020. “Selections From the ABC 2019 Annual Conference, Detroit, Michigan: Dancin’ in Motown’s Streets to the Beat of My Favorite Assignments.” Business and Professional Communication Quarterly (online publication 25 February 2020). DOI: 
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. 2019a. Section on "Business Goes Intercultural: Developing an Intercultural Marketing Campaign", in: Whalen, D. Joel. 2019. “Selections From the ABC 2018 Annual Conference, Miami, Florida: Teaching Innovations Bright as the Tropical Sun.” Business and Professional Communication Quarterly 82(2). DOI:
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. 2019b. Meaning negotiation and customer engagement in a digital BELF setting: A study of Instagram company interactions. Iperstoria – Testi Letterature Linguaggi 13(1): 15-33 [Special section: Negotiating Meaning in Business English as a Lingua Franca, ed. by Alessia Cogo and Paola Vettorel].
  • Schaper, Thorsten. 2016. Strategisches Marketingmanagement. Einführung in Theorie und Praxis. 4. Aufl. Duncker & Humblot.

Law & Mediation

  • Nitschmann, Kathrin. 2018. "Mediation an der Grenze zwischen Prävention und Repression“, in: Jung, Heike/Momsen, Carsten/Jung, Sybille/Schmidt-Leonardy, Charlotte, Strafverfahren und Kommunikationskompetenz – Ein Leitfaden für die universitäre Ausbildung, Nomos, Baden-Baden, S. 209-230. ​

International communication via Skype and complex corpora (Applied Linguistics)

  • Brunner, Marie-Louise. 2021. Understanding intercultural communication: Negotiating meaning and identities in English as a Lingua Franca Skype conversations. Berlin: J.B. Metzler. DOI:
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. 2021. Multimodal meaning making: The annotation of nonverbal elements in multimodal corpus transcription. RiCL - Research in Corpus Linguistics 9 (1): 63-88. [Special issue: Challenges in combining structured and unstructured data in corpus development, ed. by Tanja Säily and Jukka Jukka Tyrkkö]. Open access via

  • Collet, Caroline; Stefan Diemer; and Marie-Louise Brunner. 2021. The discourse marker so in video-mediated communication in the Expanding Circle. World Englishes 40 (4): 1-17  [Special issue on Discourse Markers and World Englishes, ed. by Sofia Rüdiger and Sven Leuckert]. Open access via

  • Brunner Marie-Louise; Caroline Collet; Stefan Diemer; and Selina Schmidt. 2018. ViMELF -Corpus of Video-Mediated English as a Lingua Franca Conversations. Birkenfeld: Trier University of Applied Sciences. Version 1.0. The CASE project [].
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. 2018a. “You are struggling forwards, and you don’t know, and then you … you do code-switching…” – Code-switching in ELF Skype conversations. Journal of English as a Lingua Franca 7(1): 59-88. DOI:
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. 2018b. "Okay ... so ... nice to meet you? {smiles}" – Openings in ELF Skype conversations. The Construction of Discourse as Verbal Interaction [Pragmatics and Beyond New Series 296], ed. by María de los Ángeles Gómez González; and J. Lachlan Mackenzie, 171-197. Amsterdam: Benjamins. DOI:
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; Stefan Diemer; and Selina Schmidt. 2017. “... okay so good luck with that ((laughing))?” - Managing rich data in a corpus of Skype conversations. Studies in Variation, Contacts and Change in English 19 [Big and Rich Data in English Corpus Linguistics: Methods and explorations, ed. by Turo Hiltunen; Joe McVeigh; and Tanja Säily]. Helsinki: Varieng. Full text here.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; Stefan Diemer; and Selina Schmidt. 2018a. "I mean ... we have good coffee in Italy ... why do we need Starbucks?" – ‘America’ in the construction and negotiation of European identities. (Pop) Cultures on the Move: Transnational Identifications and Cultural Exchange Between East and West, ed. by Astrid M. Fellner; Tetjana Ostapchuk; and Bärbel Schlimbach [Saravi Pontes 8], 17-33. Saarbrücken: universaar - Saarland University Press. Full text here.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; Stefan Diemer; and Selina Schmidt. 2018b. “It’s always different when you look something from the inside” – Linguistic innovation in a corpus of ELF Skype conversations. Rethinking Linguistic Creativity in Non-native Englishes, ed by Sandra C. Deshors; Sandra Götz; and Samantha Laporte [Benjamins Current Topics 98], 193-220. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
  • Diemer, Stefan. 2011. Corpus Linguistics with Google? Proceedings of ISLE 2 Boston (2008). Full text here.
  • Diemer, Stefan. 2014. Review of Svenja Adolphs; and Ronald Carter. 2013. Spoken corpus linguistics. From monomodal to multimodal [Routledge Advances in Corpus Linguistics]. London: Routledge. ICAME Journal 31(1), 160-164.
  • Diemer, Stefan; Marie-Louise Brunner; and Selina Schmidt. 2016. Compiling computer-mediated spoken language corpora: Key issues and recommendations. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 21(3): 349-371 [Special issue: Compilation, transcription, markup and annotation of spoken corpora, ed. by John M. Kirk and Gisle Andersen].

Didactics and language teaching (Applied Linguistics)

  • Brunner, Marie-Louise. 2020. Kurzkonzepte zur digitalen Internationalisierung. Entstanden im Auftrag für Kathrin Franzen, Projektkoordination Hochschule Trier International: At home and into the world
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise. 2017. Interkomprehensionsdidaktik in der Praxis: Eine Fallstudie zu interkomprehensiven Erschließungsprozessen in Lautdenkprotokollen von Studierenden einer deutschen Universität (The application of intercomprehension didactics: A case study of intercomprehensive meaning exploration processes in think-aloud protocols by students at a German university). Zeitschrift für Interkulturellen Fremdsprachenunterricht 22(2): 128-142. Full text here.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; Stefan Diemer; Claudia Polzin-Haumann; and Christina Reissner. 2016. Die Erprobung landeszentraler Sprechaufgaben in den Abiturprüfungen in Französisch und Englisch an saarländischen Schulen. (The practical trial of centralized speaking tasks in French and English Abitur examinations at Saarland secondary schools). Scientific evaluation study commissioned by the Saarland Ministry of Education and Culture. Saarbrücken: Ministerium für Bildung und Kultur des Saarlandes. Download the report here.

Sprache, Kultur und Kulinaristik (Angewandte Sprachwissenschaft)

  • Brunner, Marie-Louise. 2021. “Non, Je Parle Pas Français […] I See Subtitles Under People When They Speak”: Language Choice and Identity Construction in Contemporary Canadian Popular Culture. Discourses on Nations and Identities [XXI. Congress of the ICLA – Proceedings 3], ed. by Daniel Syrovy. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. Open access via

  • Diemer, Stefan; and Marie-Louise Brunner. 2020. "Tell me about food and I tell you who you are" - Expert identity in intercultural food discourse via Skype. Talking about Food. The social and the global in eating communities, ed. by Sofia Rüdiger and Susanne Mühleisen, 167-187. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

  • Brunner, Marie-Louise. 2019. “You’ll need help from your adult assistant” – Readership accommodation in children’s recipes. Text & Talk 39 (4), 441-463. DOI:
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; Stefan Diemer; and Selina Schmidt. 2014. "Like, Pasta, Pizza and Stuff" – New Trends in Online Food Discourse. CuiZine: The Journal of Canadian Food Cultures / Revue des cultures culinaires au Canada. DOI: 10.7202/1026769ar. Full text here.
  • Diemer, Stefan. 2013. Recipes and food discourse in English – a historical menu. Culinary Linguistics [Culture and Language Use 10], ed. by Cornelia Gerhardt; Maximiliane Frobenius; and Susanne Ley, 139-156. Amsterdam: Benjamins. Pre-print version here.
  • Diemer, Stefan. 2015. Review of Catherine Diederich. 2015. Sensory adjectives in the discourse of food: a frame-semantic approach to language and perception. Amsterdam: Benjamins. The Translator (2015): 1-3. London: Taylor & Francis. DOI: 10.1080/13556509.2015.1082876.
  • Diemer, Stefan; and Maximiliane Frobenius. 2013. When making pie, all ingredients must be chilled. Including you: Lexical, syntactic and interactive features in online discourse - a synchronic study of food blogs. Culinary Linguistics [Culture and Language Use 10], ed. by Cornelia Gerhardt; Maximiliane Frobenius; and Susanne Ley, 53-82. Amsterdam: Benjamins. Pre-print version here.
  • Marie-Louise Brunner; and Stefan Diemer. 2017. The British and American Breakfast – Cultural contours and intercultural functions. Jahrbuch Kulinaristik 1(2017): 363-367.
  • Stefan Diemer; and Marie-Louise Brunner. 2018. Das britische und das amerikanische Frühstück - Kulturelle Konturen und interkulturelle Funktionen. Kulinaristik des Frühstücks - Breakfast across cultures, ed. by Alois Wierlacher, 115-134. München: Iudicium.
Supervised theses (Selection)

(For a full list of theses have a look at the respective institute member's personal website, see our team)

Marketing & Digital (Customer) Communication


  • Balke, Pauline. 2022. Instagram Story marketing ­ How international business successfully use Instagram Stories as a marketing tool. B.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Berrens, Tom. 2021. Social Media Marketing in der Lebensmittelbranche. M.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Bier, Christian. 2020. Intercultural Business Communication in the Professional Services Industry – Comparing EY and KPMG with the Focus on Social Media in Luxembourg. B. Sc. Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen/Umweltplanung, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Cuvalci, Ilayda. 2022. Social Media Customer Relationship Management in the Vacation Rental Industry. A Case Study of Airbnb and B.Eng. Sustainable Business and Technology, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Diring, Helena. 2020. Soziale Medien-Präsenz von Finanzdienstleistungsunternehmen: Mit Best Practice-Fallbeispielen: N26, comdirect und ING Deutschland. M.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Ebling, Eric. 2021. Die Customer Journey in der digitalen Wirtschaft am Beispiel von Amazon – Best Practice und Handlungsempfehlung. B.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Groß, Jil. 2022. Webcare-Strategien von Unternehmen auf Instagram - eine qualitative Studie. B.Eng. Sustainable Business and Technology, Environmental Campus Birkenfeld, Trier University of Applied Sciences.
  • Hans, Samira. 2020. Influencer-Marketing: Anwendungsmöglichkeiten, Potenziale und Konzepte im aktuellen Marktumfeld. M.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Jung, Andreas. 2020. Ökologische Landwirtschaft als regionales und nachhaltiges Betriebsmodell. Direktmarketing in der ökologischen Landwirtschaft. Ist ein Mix aus Direktmarketing-Instrumenten in der ökologischen Landwirtscahft eine lukrative Möglichkeit der Umsatzsteigerung? B.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Jung, Lea. 2022. Marketing in Zeiten von Krisen: Wie die Corona- und Klimakrise Einfluss auf videobasierte Werbung innerhalb des Lebensmitteleinzelhandels nehmen. M.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Kannengießer, Stefan Paul. 2022. Multi-Channel-Strategien in der SHK- Branche am Beispiel von Villeroy & Boch. B.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Khanfar, Leen. 2023. A comparison of pre-covid and current social media marketing in the hotel industry. A case study of luxury hotels and budget hotels. B.Eng. Sustainable Business and Technology, Environmental Campus Birkenfeld, Trier University of Applied Sciences.
  • Khatisovi, Nikita. 2022. The impact of long-tail keywords on search engine optimization. B.Eng. Sustainable Business and Technology, Environmental Campus Birkenfeld, Trier University of Applied Sciences.
  • Kuhn, Katharina. 2023. Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung in der Betriebswirtschaftslehre in Deutschland. Eine Analyse des Status quo und Ableitung von Potenzialen zu Weiterentwicklungsmöglichkeiten. M.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Kurtenacker, Rebecca. 2020. Nachhaltigkeitsdiskurse heute - Wie Social Media als Sprachrohr einer Gesellschaft dient. Case Study: Zero Waste Philosophie. M.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Lang, Laura. 2022. Influencer Marketing auf Social Media am Beispiel des Unternehmens NA-KD. B.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Lang, Marvin. 2021. Die Customer Experience der Eigenmarke Neatflow - Bestehende Konzepte und Handlungsempfehlungen entlang der Phasen des Kaufprozesses. B.A. Nachhaltige Ressourcenwirtschaft (Dual), Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Lersch, Pia Mareike. 2022. Einflussfaktoren auf die Arbeitgeberwahl der Generationen Y und Z und deren Auswirkungen auf die Arbeitgeberattraktivität. B.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Lork, Carmen. 2021. Business via Messenger - How Chatbots enable conversational commerce. M.Sc. Business Administration and Engineering, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Magnes, Edyta. 2022. Online-Marketing und Social Media als Unternehmensstrategie - eine Analyse von Teveos Onlinepräsenz. B.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Meiser, Viktoria. 2021. Analyse von Nachhaltigkeits- und Marketingstrategien für Outdoor-Bekleidung am Beispiel des Sportausrüsters VAUDE. B.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Müller, Lara Maria. 2021. Lootboxen als Monetarisierungsstrategie für Videospiele - Eine kritische Betrachtung mit aktuellen Fallbeispielen. B.Sc. Medieninformatik, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Nadig, Magali. 2020. Social Media Marketing: Non-Governmental Organisations on Social Media Platforms. M.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Nöther, Dennis. 2020. Nachhaltige Musikfestivals – Lösungsansätze für eine zukunftsfähige Eventgestaltung. B.A.Thesis Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Plazibat, Mario. 2020. Social Media Marketing: Grundlagen und Analyse des Fallbeispiels „Fanta“. B.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Pramanik, Ahana. 2020. Managing Cross-Cultural Workforce in an International Organization - Case of BMW Group in Germany and India. B.Sc. Sustainable Business and Technology, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Rock, Peter. 2021. Regionales Social Media Marketing: Wie man Social Media nutzen kann, um eine lokale Zielgruppe zu erreichen, anhand des Beispiels von RegioSocial. B.Sc. Medieninformatik, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Schirra, Anne-Kathrin. 2020. #OldCars with #NewStrat Neue Strategien der Unternehmensinszenierung in den sozialen Netzwerken am Beispiel der Klassik Garage Kronberg GmbH & Co. KG auf Instagram. B.Sc. Medieninformatik, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Schuhmacher, Vera Maria. 2021. Strategieentwicklung eines Social Meida Auftritts der Braufabrik Events UG auf der Plattform Instagram. M.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Tahta, Funda. 2020. Entwicklung einer Strategie für Werbeanzeigen auf Facebook und Instagram zur Steigerung des Umsatzes der Firma Papierdrachen. B.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Ugla, Christian. 2022. Branding für die Subkultur - Eine Fallstudie zu Werbestrategien für Cannabis-Zubehör. M.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Vecchio, Alessandra. 2022. TikTok als Marketingkanal für Unternehmen. Wie Unternehmen die Marketingstrategien der Plattform Tiktok zielgerichtet einsetzen können. B.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Willems, Juline. 2022. Webcare in der Tourismusbranche am Beispiel von Instagram. M.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Zimmer, Johanna. 2022. Marketing in 15 Sekunden - Herausfordetungen und Chancen der Short Video App TikTok. B.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.

Law & Mediation

  • Biyik, Selvi. 2019. Die Datenschutz-Grundverordnung am Beispiel der Cosmos Lebensversicherungs-AG. Business and Environmental Law (LL.B.), Trier University of Applied Sciences.
  • Friemel, Judith. 2019. Verbraucherinsolvenzverfahren in Deutschland und Spanien: Eine rechtsvergleichende Betrachtung. Business and Environmental Law (LL.B.), Trier University of Applied Sciences.
  • Schnell, Saskia. 2018. Rule of Law and Human Rights – An attempt to reveal linkage and dependence through development and definition. Business and Environmental Law (LL.B.), Trier University of Applied Sciences.
  • Shkembi, Ava. 2019. Die Umsetzung der Mediation in Deutschland - eine kritische Betrachtung. Business and Environmental Law (LL.B.), Trier University of Applied Sciences.
  • Szostak, Elena. 2019. Die neue Datenschutzgrundverordnung (EU-DSGVO) - Eine Stärkung des Rechts auf informationelle Selbstbestimmung. Business and Environmental Law (LL.B.), Trier University of Applied Sciences.
  • Wilhelm, Jennifer Michelle. 2018. Personenbildnisse und das Medienprivileg. Eine Betrachtung vor dem Hintergrund der neuen DSGVO. Business and Environmental Law (LL.B.), Trier University of Applied Sciences.
  • Zotova, Anna. 2019. Die Ausgestaltung eines Auftragsverarbeitungs-Vertrages als Minimalregelung nach der Europäischen Datenschutzgrundverordnung (DS-GVO) und dem Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (BDSG) sowie die praktische Bedeutung. Business and Environmental Law (LL.B.), Trier University of Applied Sciences.

Language Variation

  • Uthayaventhan, Nilany. 2015. Linguistic features of Indian English – a corpus-based study. Saarland University.
  • Pieczyk, Tessa. 2016. The status of the English language in native Ireland – a sociolinguistic case study. Saarland University.


  • Fisch, Helen. 2019. ELF in the classroom – An applied study of English as a lingua franca communication strategies and their use in English language teaching. Saarland University.
  • Fischer, Carolin. 2017. ‘Do you even blog?’ - Blogs in the EFL classroom: The effects of blogs on motivation and literacy in the EFL classroom. Saarland University.
  • Seifener, Andreas. 2017. The implementation of video games in the EFL classroom. Saarland University.
  • Hoppenrath, Nicole. 2016. World English(es) in a school context - The representation of international English varieties in textbooks and their prestige among students. Saarland University.
  • Leathers, Jennifer. 2016. A conversation analysis of teachers’ management of classroom interaction. Saarland University.
  • Wilbert, Nicole. 2015. Errors and mistakes in classroom settings – a corpus-based study. Saarland University.
Presentations (Selection)

(For a full list of presentations have a look at the respective institute member's personal website, see our team)

Conference presentations and guest lectures at other institutions (selection):

  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. October 2019. “Thanks for the like, please repost” – Evaluating Channel-Specific Customer Communication via Social Media. Paper presented at 84th Annual International Conference of the Association for Business Communication (ABC 2019), Detroit, USA.

  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. September 2019. “We’re always looking for great content” – Customer Interaction via Instagram. Paper at Workshop on "Challenges of computer-mediated communication data: #obstacles #opportunities", convened by Marie-Louise Brunner, Stefan Diemer, Matt Gee & Andrew Kehoe, BICLCE8 – 8th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English. Bamberg, Germany.

  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; Stefan Diemer; Matt Gee; and Andrew Kehoe. September 2019. Workshop on "Challenges of computer-mediated communication data: #obstacles #opportunities" at BICLCE8 – 8th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English. Bamberg, Germany (as co-convener).
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. March 2019. Negotiating interculturally sensitive  topics in English as a Lingua Franca Skype conversations. Conference of the American Association of Applied Linguistics 2019 (AAAL). Atlanta, USA.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. March 2019. ViMELF – The Corpus of Video-Mediated English as a Lingua Franca as a resource for multimodal and pragmatic intercultural research. Invited research colloquium at Department of Professional and Intercultural Communication, NHH – Norwegian School of Economics. Bergen, Norway.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. March 2019. Intercultural Marketing and Digital Business. Invited workshop at NHH – Norwegian School of Economics. Bergen, Norway.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. February 2019. Interkulturelles Marketing & Digitale Wirtschaft (Intercultural marketing & digital business). Invited workshop and lecture at Ghent University, Belgium.

Research projects

PUSH.GR (EU-Interreg-Project)

During the start-up and development phase, entrepreneurs often do not recognise the opportunities offered by networking in the Greater Region. For this reason, the project platform for entrepreneurs and students at universities in the Greater Region (PUSH.GR) has set itself the goal of facilitating sustainable cross-border cooperations in business start-ups and networking. In this way, new cooperation partners, markets and customers within the Greater Region and the EU can be developed.
More information on measures and partners can be found on our EU-project website under "EU projects in the "Interreg V A Großregion" funding line" - Project title: Project Platform for Entrepreneurs and Students at Universities in the Greater Region (PUSH.GR).

Market Research Projects

Empirical market research projects are carried out in cooperation with partners from practice. The starting point is the factual problem formulated by the cooperation partner and the objective pursued. The resulting need for information can be transferred to a questionnaire and then a primary survey is carried out in the form of an oral or written survey. The data is entered using the statistical analysis software SPSS, which enables extensive univariate and bivariate data analyses. The research results are finally presented to the client together with recommendations for action.

Here is a short selection of previous market research projects:

  • Market research study for cookware (project partner: Fissler GmbH)
  • Senior marketing at Frankfurt Airport (project partner: Fraport AG)
  • Image study national park region (project partner: Regional Development Hunsrück-Hochwald e.V.)

If you are interested in a market research project, please do not hesitate to contact us (contact: Prof. Dr. Thorsten Schaper).

International and Digital Customer Communication

This project examines how companies communicate with customers on social media (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter), which communication style is chosen, how crisis communication works, which marketing strategies they use, and how they reach an international customer base. Best practice examples as well as negative examples in different industries and in different countries are examined in order to develop recommendations for companies.
Research at the institute is supported by research-based and project-based teaching. Results are developed in the teaching context in cooperation with advanced students and applied research is carried out in the form of theses in companies.

If you are interested in a cooperation, e.g. in the form of a thesis on a topic from this area in your company, please contact us! (Contact: Prof. Dr. Stefan Diemer and Dr. Marie-Louise Brunner, Tandem-Professor, contact via sk(at)


The CASE project, ViMELF & TaCoCASE: International video-mediated conversations

The CASE project has created a data collection of international video-mediated conversations, which take place in English. The data is used for various research purposes, e.g. for researching communication strategies in an international context and as a didactic basis for communication optimization. Based on the data, recommendations for communication optimization and a strategy collection for interactions in an international context are developed. These have already been tried out in the school and university context as well as in the context of further education trainings in administration and have been confirmed as very positive and helpful. The first part of the data has already been published and is freely available for scientific purposes: The Corpus of Video-Mediated English as a Lingua Franca Conversations (ViMELF) & Transatlantic Component of CASE (TaCoCASE).


Didactic Concepts: Digital. Intercultural. Multilingual.

We develop and test a wide variety of digital and intercultural teaching concepts.
If you have any questions or are interested in a cooperation, please contact us at sk-weiterbildung(at)


  • Digital projects on OLAT (Ralley)
  • Digital presentations and gamification
  • Telecollaboration and virtual exchange with partner universities, e.g. Tandem project course with France, Virtual Global Teams: Live intercultural cooperation with the University of Ghent
  • Interculturality and multilingualism in language teaching, e.g. Workshops on intercultural communication as well as on "Using language diversity in a targeted way! Promoting multilingualism with new media and methods" or our short video from the ABC conference 2020: Simulation of "Raising Intercultural Awareness"
  • Web-based language teaching, e.g. Workshop at the Columbia Language Resource Center, Columbia University, New York: Web-based approaches for the modern language classroom
  • Short concepts for digital Internationalization (in German, please contact Dr. Marie-Louise Brunner, Tandem-Professor, for more information)
  • Project on VR / AR in language teaching (in planning, if you are interested in a cooperation please email Aloisia Sens)
PhD Projects

Caroline Collet
Using a corpus of international video-mediated communication to improve intercultural and communicative competence in English as a foreign language (EFL) teaching 

Doctoral grant: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS)
My dissertation project focuses on features of transatlantic communication –  in this case a corpus of Skype conversations between native speakers of English (students from the UK and the US) and non-native speakers of English (German students), which is part of the CASE (Corpus of Academic Spoken English) project.  The transatlantic corpus will allow research in various fields such as linguistics, EFL (English as a foreign language) teaching and cultural studies. Frequently used linguistic features will be detected and their use among native and non-native speakers will be analyzed in greater detail. The results will provide implications for language teaching as to how frequently used features should be tought and in how far they complement to authentic language use. Different cultural aspects can be found in conversations about food, traditions and TV shows. Their impact on intercultural communication and mutual understanding will also be subject to analysis.

Dr. Marie-Louise Brunner, Tandem-Professor

Understanding Intercultural Communication: Negotiating Meaning and Identity in English as a Lingua Franca Skype Conversations
In my PhD thesis, I analyze how speakers from different linguacultural backgrounds use English as a Lingua Franca to communicate via Skype. I am particularly interested in two main areas: (1) How do interlocutors negotiate meaning in interaction, i.e. how do they communicate what they mean when it comes to unknown words or untranslatable concepts, and (2) how do they negotiate their own and their interlocutor’s various (personal, regional, national, transnational) identities. Regarding the negotiation of meaning, I analyze realizations of assertive language use and innovation, functions of code-switching, the use of definitions, and functions of non-verbal elements in interaction. For the negotiation of identities, I focus, in particular, on the discussion of culturally specific items, othering, and the negotiation of culturally problematic topics.
My thesis not only contributes to the field of English as a Lingua Franca through the use of new, multimodal data, it also provides an overview of valuable and concrete strategies for using English as a Lingua Franca in international contexts.

Project: WebCorp Learn in the English classroom

WebCorp Learn is an online tool which allows access to a large collection (corpus) of newspaper articles spanning three decades. The tool has been created by linguists to encourage curiosity in language learners. WebCorp Learn promotes playful and context-based inductive learning and enables you to discover language through exploratory experimentation. 
We are a team of German and English researchers who have been working together for a number of years on different research projects. The English part of the team is based at Birmingham City University (RDUES, Research and Development Unit for English Studies) and is responsible for the development of WebCorp Learn, as well as the production of the instructional material and exercises. The German part of the team is part of InDi - Institute for International and Digital Communication (InDi) at Trier University of Applied Sciences. They are responsible for the test phase in Germany, for the on-site teacher training via live video conferencing, and they have developed additional training materials especially for the German upper school curricula.

Contact Prof. Dr. Stefan Diemer and Dr. Marie-Louise Brunner, Tandem-Professor, regarding the WebCorp Learn school project. 


You are interested in an interdisciplinary consulting or project in the area of internationalization and/or digitalization or any of our other core competences, you can reach the board of directors via InDi(at)

If you have questions regarding specific research and publications in the area of InDi's core competences, the respective team members are happy to help you.

Contact Prof. Dr. Kathrin Nitschmann for the PUSH.GR Projekt.

Contact Prof. Dr. Thorsten Schaper for projects on Marketing Research.

Contact Prof. Dr. Stefan Diemer and Marie-Louise Brunner via sk(at) regarding the project on International and Digital Customer Communication.

Contact Prof. Dr. Stefan Diemer and Marie-Louise Brunner via case(at) for the CASE Projekt and ViMELF.

Contact Aloisia Sens, Marie-Louise Brunner and Prof. Dr. Stefan Diemer via sk-weiterbildung(at) regarding intercultural, multilingual, and digital teaching concepts.

Contact Prof. Dr. Stefan Diemer and Marie-Louise Brunner via info(at) regarding the WebCorp Learn school project. If you are an English teacher who is interested in taking part in the test phase, please contact us!

Contact information for the PhD projects can be found under the respective project.

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