Remark: This elective course is offered (with adapted content and requirements) to both Bachelor and Master students.

Learning outcomes

The students have gained further knowledge of the construction of modern energy systems and basic knowledge in the transfer of tasks from the energy industry in digital form. They will be able to work out and further develop problem solutions for energy systems and present the findings from the energy models.


In order to model, simulate and optimise energy systems taking into account volatile, regenerative energy sources, the generation and consumption systems in a region must be digitally recorded and parameterised so that, among other things, conclusions can be drawn from this system about potentials for energy saving and forecasts of future development. The students will work on the following issues:

  • Selection of a regional energy system (energy cluster)
  • Structure of a database
  • Programming of scripts for modelling the energy system
  • Optimization of energy systems
  • Visualization of energy systems


Annually in the winter semester


German and English


Literature will be announced in the course.

Overview of Grades

Semester Average grade Failure rate
WiSe 2023/24 2,7 ± 1,0 10 %
WiSe 2022/23 2,8 ± 1,0 0 %
WiSe 2021/22 1,5 ± 0,5 0 %
WiSe 2020/21 1,8 ± 1,0 7 %
WiSe 2019/20 1,8 ± 1,2 10 %
WiSe 2018/19 2,0 ± 1,4 14 %
WiSe 2017/18 1,4 ± 0,3 0 %
Logo of the Renewable Energy Lab

Renewable Energy Lab
Prof. Dr. Henrik te Heesen
Institute for Operations and Technology Management
Environmental Campus Birkenfeld


Prof. Dr. Henrik te Heesen
Prof. Dr. Henrik te Heesen
Professor FB Umweltplanung/Umwelttechnik - FR Maschinenbau


+49 6782 17-1908


Birkenfeld | Building 9925 | Room 12


nur nach Vereinbarung per E-Mail/only by arrangement via mail
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