Dr. Marie-Louise Brunner, Tandem-Professorin


Dr. Marie-Louise Brunner ist Tandem-Professorin für Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation am Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld der Hochschule Trier und Direktorin des InDi - Institut für internationale und digitale Kommunikation am Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld. Außerdem ist sie Projektleiterin für Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation an der Europäischen Akademie Otzenhausen gGmbH.
Nach ihrem B.A. und M.A. in Englisch (Schwerpunkt Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft) und Interkultureller Kommunikation promovierte sie mit Auszeichnung an der Universität des Saarlandes zum Thema "Understanding Intercultural Communication: Negotiating Meaning and Identities in English as a Lingua Franca Skype Conversations". 
Ihre Forschungsinteressen liegen in den Bereichen Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation, Social Media Kommunikation und Corporate Identity, interkulturelle (Business-)Kommunikation sowie Sprache und Essen. Schwerpunkte liegen hierbei auf der korpusbasierten multimodalen Diskursanalyse, Aushandlung von Identitäten, Kommunikationsstrategien und -optimierung sowie interkultureller Kommunikation. Sie interessiert sich auch für die Nutzung von Online-Medien und für interkulturelle/mehrsprachige Ansätze im Unterricht. 


Eine Übersicht über aktuelle Forschung im Rahmen des InDi - Institut für Internationale und Digitale Kommunikation finden Sie auch unter Angewandte Forschung des InDi.

  • Nachhaltigkeit spielerisch kommunizieren: Partizipative Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation durch die Entwicklung spielerischer Formate für die Fachkräfte von Morgen. Strategiefonds 2024 der Hochschule Trier. (Principal investigator) Weitere Informationen gibt es hier und unter der Kategorie Bildungsmaterialien des InDi-Institut für Internationale und Digitale Kommunikation hier.
  • Sustainable cruise tourism in Norway (SCRUTINY): A sociocultural multimodal exploration. May-Nov 2023 (Förderzeitraum), wird aktuell fortgeführt. https://www.ntnu.edu/isl/scrutiny. (Project Member; Project with Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway & Uppsala University, Sweden)
  • CASE Project. 2012-present. Birkenfeld: Trier University of Applied Sciences & Saarbrücken: Saarland University. Principal investigator (with CASE team).
  • Intercultural and multilingual teaching materials and methods (Trier University of Applied Sciences, mit Stefan Diemer).
  • Forschung im Bereich Business Communication via Social Media (mit Stefan Diemer).
  • Virtual Global Teams (Projekt mit Universität Gent, Belgien)

Abgeschlossene Forschungsprojekte

  • Symposium Sustainability and Tourism – Interdisciplinary Perspectives. 2024. Birkenfeld: Trier University of Applied Science. (Principal organizer) Weitere Informationen gibt es hier.
  • Principal investigator, ViMELF. 2018. Corpus of Video-Mediated English as a Lingua Franca Conversations. Birkenfeld: Trier University of Applied Sciences. Version 1.0. The CASE project [http://umwelt-campus.de/case].
  • "Conversation in Contemporary English: Innovation, Creativity and Communicative Negotiation in Native and Non-native Contexts". January 2016-December 2018. Project Collaborator. Coordination: SPERTUS research team, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Funding: Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, grant FFI2015-64057-P
  • Die Erprobung landeszentraler Sprechaufgaben in den Abiturprüfungen in Französisch und Englisch an saarländischen Schulen: Wissenschaftliche Begleitung, erstellt im Auftrag des Ministeriums für Bildung und Kultur des Saarlandes (mit Stefan DiemerProf. Dr. Claudia Polzin-Haumann and Dr. Christina Reissner, Universität des Saarlandes. Download des Berichts hier)
  • Breakfast Corpus (Universität des Saarlandes 2016). Principal developer (mit Stefan Diemer)

Monographien, Handreichungen und Korpora

  • Brunner, Marie-Louise. 2021. Understanding intercultural communication: Negotiating meaning and identities in English as a Lingua Franca Skype conversations. Berlin: J.B. Metzler. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-64556-7
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise. 2020. Kurzkonzepte zur digitalen Internationalisierung. Entstanden im Auftrag für Kathrin Franzen, Projektkoordination Hochschule Trier International: At home and into the world
  • Brunner Marie-Louise; Caroline Collet; Stefan Diemer; and Selina Schmidt. 2018. ViMELF -Corpus of Video-Mediated English as a Lingua Franca Conversations. Birkenfeld: Trier University of Applied Sciences. Version 1.0. The CASE project [http://umwelt-campus.de/case].
  • Polzin-Haumann, Claudia; Christina Reissner; Stefan Diemer; and Marie-Louise Brunner. 2016. Die Erprobung landeszentraler Sprechaufgaben in den Abiturprüfungen in Französisch und Englisch an saarländischen Schulen. Wissenschaftliche Evaluationsstudie im Auftrag für das Ministerium für Bildung und Kultur des Saarlandes. Saarbrücken: Ministerium für Bildung und Kultur des Saarlandes. Download hier.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise. 2015. Negotiating conversation starts in the Corpus of Academic Spoken English. Unpublished MA thesis. Saarbrücken: Saarland University.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise. 2013. Linguistic features of children's recipes. Unpublished BA thesis. Saarbrücken: Saarland University.


  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. Forthcoming. Multilingual language management on social media: Best practices. Le plurilinguisme au travail : méthodes, pratiques, formation / Multilingualism at work : methods, practices, teaching, ed. by Giovanni Tallarico and Laurent Gajo [Champs Didactiques Plurilingues : données pour des politiques stratégiques]. Peter Lang.

  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. Forthcoming. Virtual border crossing and plurilingual practices on social media. Border Languaging: Multilingual Practices on the Border [Border Studies: Cultures, Spaces, Orders]. Baden-Baden: Nomos.

  • Brunner, Marie-Louise. 2024 (in press). Hungrig auf Nachhaltigkeit? – Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation als wichtiger Aspekt der Unternehmensidentität auf Instagram-Business-Accounts in der Lebensmittelbranche. Sprache und Essen – Ansichten einer linguistischen Kulinaristik (Jahrbuch Kulinaristik 6), ed. by Stefan Diemer. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.

  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. 2023. Section on "Cross-Cultural Marketing Task for Virtual Global Teams." In: Whalen, D. Joel; and Charles Drehmer. 2023. "Selections From the ABC 2022 Annual International Conference, Tampa, Florida, USA: Sharing Teaching Innovations With a Porpoise Pod’s Coordination, Speed, and Grace." Business and Professional Communication Quarterly 86(3): 377-399. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/23294906231170806 

  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. 2022. Cross-platform analysis. Research Methods for Digital Discourse Analysis, ed. by Camilla Vasquez. Bloomsbury Publishing.

  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. 2021. Section on "Let the Cat Out of The Bag! – Raising Intercultural Awareness with Hedgehog, Giraffe and Co." In: Whalen, D. Joel. 2021. "Selections From the ABC 2020 Annual Conference, Online: Gathering Around the Cool Fire to Share Business Communication Teaching Innovations." Business and Professional Communication Quarterly 84(3): 266-286.

  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. 2021. Multimodal meaning making: The annotation of nonverbal elements in multimodal corpus transcription. RiCL - Research in Corpus Linguistics 9 (1): 63-88. [Special issue: Challenges in combining structured and unstructured data in corpus development, ed. by Tanja Säily and Jukka Tyrkkö]. Open access via https://doi.org/10.32714/ricl.09.01.05

  • Collet, Caroline; Stefan Diemer; and Marie-Louise Brunner. 2021. The discourse marker so in video-mediated communication in the Expanding Circle. World Englishes 40 (4): 594-610 [Special issue on Discourse Markers and World Englishes, ed. by Sofia Rüdiger and Sven Leuckert]. Open access via https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/weng.12543

  • Brunner, Marie-Louise. 2021. “Non, Je Parle Pas Français […] I See Subtitles Under People When They Speak”: Language Choice and Identity Construction in Contemporary Canadian Popular Culture. Discourses on Nations and Identities [XXI. Congress of the ICLA – Proceedings 3], ed. by Daniel Syrovy. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. Open access via https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9783110642018/html.

  • Diemer, Stefan; and Marie-Louise Brunner. 2020. "Tell me about food and I tell you who you are" - Expert identity in intercultural food discourse via Skype. Talking about Food. The social and the global in eating communities, ed. by Sofia Rüdiger and Susanne Mühleisen, 167-187. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. 2020. Section on "Crisis Communication via Social Media: Can You Do Better?" In: Whalen, D. Joel. 2020. “Selections From the ABC 2019 Annual Conference, Detroit, Michigan: Dancin’ in Motown’s Streets to the Beat of My Favorite Assignments.” Business and Professional Communication Quarterly  83(2): 234-255. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/2329490620906454 

  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. 2019b. Meaning negotiation and customer engagement in a digital BELF setting: A study of Instagram company interactions. Iperstoria – Journal of American and English Studies 13(1): 15-33 [Special section: Negotiating Meaning in Business English as a Lingua Franca, ed. by Alessia Cogo and Paola Vettorel]. https://iperstoria.it/article/view/436

  • Brunner, Marie-Louise. 2019. “You’ll need help from your adult assistant” – Readership accommodation in children’s recipes. Text & Talk 39 (4), 441-463. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/text-2019-2035.

  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. 2019a. Section on "Business Goes Intercultural: Developing an Intercultural Marketing Campaign" In: Whalen, D. Joel. 2019. “Selections From the ABC 2018 Annual Conference, Miami, Florida: Teaching Innovations Bright as the Tropical Sun.” Business and Professional Communication Quarterly 82(2): 239-265. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/232949061983338.

  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. 2018b. "Okay ... so ... nice to meet you? {smiles}" – Openings in ELF Skype conversations. The Construction of Discourse as Verbal Interaction [Pragmatics and Beyond New Series 296], ed. by María de los Ángeles Gómez González; and J. Lachlan Mackenzie, 171-197. Amsterdam: Benjamins. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1075/pbns.296.07bru.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; Stefan Diemer; and Selina Schmidt. 2018b. “It’s always different when you look something from the inside” – Linguistic innovation in a corpus of ELF Skype conversations. Rethinking Linguistic Creativity in Non-native Englishes, ed. by Sandra C. Deshors; Sandra Götz; and Samantha Laporte [Benjamins Current Topics 98], 193-220. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. 2018a. “You are struggling forwards, and you don’t know, and then you … you do code-switching…” – Code-switching in ELF Skype conversations. Journal of English as a Lingua Franca 7(1): 59-88. DOI: doi.org/10.1515/jelf-2018-0003.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; Stefan Diemer; and Selina Schmidt. 2018a. "I mean ... we have good coffee in Italy ... why do we need Starbucks?" – ‘America’ in the construction and negotiation of European identities. (Pop) Cultures on the Move: Transnational Identifications and Cultural Exchange Between East and West, ed. by Astrid M. Fellner; Tetjana Ostapchuk; and Bärbel Schlimbach [Saravi Pontes 8], 17-33. Saarbrücken: universaar - Saarland University Press. Full text https://publikationen.sulb.uni-saarland.de/bitstream/20.500.11880/30917/1/PopCulturesontheMoveSP8.pdf
  • Diemer, Stefan; and Marie-Louise Brunner. 2018. Das britische und das amerikanische Frühstück - Kulturelle Konturen und interkulturelle Funktionen. Kulinaristik des Frühstücks - Breakfast across cultures, ed. by Alois Wierlacher, 115-134. München: Iudicium.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. 2017. The British and American Breakfast – Cultural contours and intercultural functions. Jahrbuch Kulinaristik 1(2017): 363-367.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; Stefan Diemer; and Selina Schmidt. 2017. “... okay so good luck with that ((laughing))?” - Managing rich data in a corpus of Skype conversations. Studies in Variation, Contacts and Change in English 19 [Big and Rich Data in English Corpus Linguistics: Methods and explorations, ed. by Turo Hiltunen; Joe McVeigh; and Tanja Säily]. Helsinki: Varieng. Full text here: https://varieng.helsinki.fi/series/volumes/19/brunner_diemer_schmidt/.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise. 2017. Interkomprehensionsdidaktik in der Praxis: Eine Fallstudie zu interkomprehensiven Erschließungsprozessen in Lautdenkprotokollen von Studierenden einer deutschen Universität (The application of intercomprehension didactics: A case study of intercomprehensive meaning exploration processes in think-aloud protocols by students at a German university). Zeitschrift für Interkulturellen Fremdsprachenunterricht 22(2): 128-142. Full text here.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; Stefan Diemer; and Selina Schmidt. 2016. “It’s always different when you look something from the inside” – Linguistic innovation in a corpus of ELF Skype conversations. International Journal of Learner Corpus Research 2(2): 323-350 [Special issue: Linguistic Innovations: Rethinking linguistic creativity in non-native Englishes, ed. by Sandra C. Deshors; Sandra Götz; and Samantha Laporte].
  • Diemer, Stefan; Marie-Louise Brunner; and Selina Schmidt. 2016. Compiling computer-mediated spoken language corpora: Key issues and recommendations. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 21(3): 349-371 [Special issue: Compilation, transcription, markup and annotation of spoken corpora, ed. by John M. Kirk and Gisle Andersen].
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; Stefan Diemer; and Selina Schmidt. 2014. "Like, Pasta, Pizza and Stuff" – New Trends in Online Food Discourse. CuiZine: The Journal of Canadian Food Cultures / Revue des cultures culinaires au Canada. DOI: 10.7202/1026769ar. Full text here.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Carrie Ankerstein. 2013. German pupils’ awareness of English-French cognates and false friends: an investigation of L2 to L3 transfer. Saarland Working Papers in Linguistics 4 (2013): 9-19. Full text here.
Konferenzvorträge und Panels
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise. July 2023. Sustainability communication as an identity-negotiation strategy: A case study of Instagram business accounts from the food industry. Paper presented at the 18th International Pragmatics Conference, Brussels, Belgium.

  • Diemer, Stefan; and Marie-Louise Brunner. July 2023. Food and storytelling in German Taster Lunches. Paper presented at the 18th International Pragmatics Conference, Brussels, Belgium.

  • Brunner, Marie-Louise. January 2023. Persuasive Instagram strategies for sustainable products: Sustainability communication in the food industry. Paper presented at ABC Regional Conference: Europe, Middle East and Africa: Re-thinking and Re-mediating Business Communication: Continuity and Evolution, Naples, Italy. 

  • Diemer, Stefan; and Marie-Louise Brunner. November 2022. Persuasion strategies on Instagram business accounts. Paper presented at Influence, Manipulation, and Seduction 2, Universität Bayreuth, Germany, and Tampere University, Finland. Virtual talk.

  • Diemer, Stefan; and Marie-Louise Brunner. October 2022. Persuading customers on Instagram: A case study of companies' communication strategies. 87th Conference of the Association for Business Communication (ABC), Tampa, USA. Virtual talk.

  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. June 2022. Use and effect of multilingual practices: An analysis of Instagram and Facebook business accounts. Paper at INPRA 2022: 9th International Conference on Intercultural Pragmatics & Communication, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia (hybrid conference).

  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. May 2022. Analyzing digital discourse across platforms. Paper at Approaches to Digital Discourse Analysis (ADDA 3), University of South Florida, Saint Petersburg, USA.

  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. February 2022. Effective Digital Language Management: Multilingual Practices on Social Media. Paper presented at Border Renaissance: Recent Developments in Territorial, Cultural, and Linguistic Border Studies, Saarbrücken, Germany.

  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. November 2021. Best practices of multilingual language management on social media. Paper presented at Le multilinguisme dans les milieux professionnels. Observation des pratiques et interventions sur le terrain / Multilingualism in professional life. Manifestations, managements, University of Verona, Italy.

  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer.  October 2021. “I’ll let you guys off (peace sign emoji)”  Webcare interactions on Instagram. Paper presented at 86th Annual International Conference of the Association for Business Communicatin (ABC 2021) (Virtual Conference)

  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer.  October 2021. “Yeah just say if you can't hear me properly or, {waves}” – Negotiating interaction in virtual international conversations. Paper presented at 86th Annual International Conference of the Association for Business Communicatin (ABC 2021) (Virtual Conference)

  • Decock, Sofie; Stefan Diemer; and Marie-Louise Brunner. August 2021. Panel on Teaching / Training virtual global teams in the business communication classroom (co-organizer) at the ABC Regional Conference Vienna (2021) (Virtual Conference).

  • Decock, Sofie; Christophe Wybraeke; Marie-Louise Brunner; and Stefan Diemer. August 2021. Cross-Cultural Market Research with Belgian-German Virtual Teams. Paper presented as part of the panel on Teaching / Training virtual global teams in the business communication classroom at the ABC Regional Conference Vienna (2021) (Virtual Conference).

  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. August 2021. “I’ll let you guys off (peace sign emoji)” - Webcare interactions on Instagram. Paper presented as part of the panel on Responding effectively to customer feedback online: Advances in webcare research at the ABC Regional Conference Vienna 2020 (2021) (Virtual Conference).

  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. August 2021. “Yeah just say if you can't hear me properly or, {waves}” – Negotiating interaction in video-mediated conversations. Paper presented as part of the panel on Spoken business communication in the digital age: Face-to-face and computer-mediated communication in dialogue at the ABC Regional Conference Vienna 2020 (2021) (Virtual Conference).

  • Brunner, Marie-Louise. August 2021. “Italians don't do it, but actually, you SHOULD put sugar in [tomato sauce]!” - Expert identity in video-mediated food discourse. Paper presented as part of the panel on Whose taste matters? Authority, meaning, and culture in the linguistics of food at AILA World Congress 2021 (Virtual Conference).

  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. August 2021. Multimodal Meaning Negotiation in Instagram Company Interactions: BELF in a Digital Setting. Paper presented as part of the panel on English as a Lingua Franca as a Multidimensional Resource in Professional Communication at AILA World Congress 2021 (Virtual Conference).

  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. June 2021. Expressing and addressing customer dissatisfaction on Instagram. Paper presented as part of the panel on The expression of customer dissatisfaction online at 17th International Pragmatics Conference (Virtual Conference).

  • Marie-Louise Brunner. June 2021. Stance-taking and the role of laughter in the context of negotiations of cultural identities connected to food: An investigation of English as a Lingua Franca Skype conversations. Paper presented as part of the panel on Laughter and interactive stancetaking in food conversations in English, Japanese,  German and other languages at 17th International Pragmatics Conference (Virtual Conference).

  • Stefan Diemer; and Marie-Louise Brunner. June 2021. Discourse segmentation in Instagram customer interactions. Paper presented at ISLE6 – Evolving English and the digital era (Virtual Conference).

  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer.  November 2020. The Multimodal Discourse of Persuasion in Instastories. Paper presented at Influence, Manipulation, Seduction: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Persuasive Language (Virtual Conference).
  • Diemer, Stefan; Marie-Louise Brunner; and Sofie Decock. October 2020. Linguistic Approaches to International Business Communication. Discussion Panel of the Special Interest Group Intercultural Business Communication at 85th Annual International Conference of the Association for Business Communication (ABC 2020, Virtual Conference).

  • Decock, Sofie, Christophe Wybraeke, Marie-Louise Brunner, Stefan Diemer. October 2020. Teaching/Training Virtual Global Teams in the Business Communication Classroom. Panel at 85th Annual International Conference of the Association for Business Communication (ABC 2020, Virtual Conference).

  • Decock, Sofie, Christophe Wybraeke, Marie-Louise Brunner, Stefan Diemer. October 2020. Cross-Cultural Market Research with Belgian-German Virtual Teams. Paper presented at 85th Annual International Conference of the Association for Business Communication (ABC 2020, Virtual Conference).

  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. October 2020. Let The Cat Out Of The Bag! - Raising Intercultural Awareness With Hedgehog, Giraffe and Co. Paper presented at My Favorite Assignement Session of 85th Annual International Conference of the Association for Business Communication (ABC 2020, Virtual Conference).

  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. October 2020. Virtual border crossing and plurilingual practices on social media. Paper presented at B/ORDERING CULTURES: ALLTAG, POLITIK, ÄSTHETIK: 6. Jahrestagung der Kulturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft (KWG), Frankfort a. d. Oder, Germany.

  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. October 2019. “Thanks for the like, please repost” – Evaluating Channel-Specific Customer Communication via Social Media. Paper presented at 84th Annual International Conference of the Association for Business Communication (ABC 2019), Detroit, USA.

  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. September 2019. “We’re always looking for great content” – Customer Interaction via Instagram. Paper at Workshop on "Challenges of computer-mediated communication data: #obstacles #opportunities", convened by Marie-Louise Brunner, Stefan Diemer, Matt Gee & Andrew Kehoe, BICLCE8 – 8th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English. Bamberg, Germany.

  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; Stefan Diemer; Matt Gee; and Andrew Kehoe. September 2019. Workshop on "Challenges of computer-mediated communication data: #obstacles #opportunities" at BICLCE8 – 8th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English. Bamberg, Germany (as co-convener).
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise. June 2019. Humor in video-mediated intercultural conversations about food. Paper presented at 16th International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA 16), Hong Kong, China.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. March 2019. Negotiating interculturally sensitive  topics in English as a Lingua Franca Skype conversations. 2019 Conference of the American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL). Atlanta, USA.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise. December 2018. Linguacultural borders and border blending in Canadian popular culture. Paper at American Studies Graduate Forum 2018: Cultural Borderlands: Literatures, Film, and Aesthetic Practices. Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. December 2018. “Distance (still) matters” – Multimodal border negotiation in intercultural Skype conversations. Paper at American Studies Graduate Forum 2018: Cultural Borderlands: Literatures, Film, and Aesthetic Practices. Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. November 2018. Evaluating channel-specific customer communication via social media – A case study. Paper at Symposium Language in Webcare – Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Ghent University, Belgium.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise. November 2018. Gestures as a meaning-making device in ELF Skype conversations about food. Paper at AAA 2018: 117th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association. San Jose, USA.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. October 2018. Business goes intercultural – Developing an applied module for intercultural and digital marketing. Paper at ABC 2018: 83rd Annual International Conference of the Association for Business Communication. Miami. USA.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. October 2018. Evaluating channel-specific customer communication via social media – A case study. Research Roundtable at ABC 2018: 83rd Annual International Conference of the Association for Business Communication. Miami. USA.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. September 2018. Analyzing the negotiation of communication problems resulting from medium, language, and cultural context in English as a Lingua Franca Skype conversations. Paper at ICS-2: 2nd International Conference on Sociolinguistics. Budapest, Hungary.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. September 2018. “Yeah {nods & smiles} …” – Multimodal negotiation of meaning in English as a Lingua Franca Skype conversations. Paper at ICS-2: 2nd International Conference on Sociolinguistics. Budapest, Hungary.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. July 2018. “We still can convey our uhm ... meaning … and that's okay then” – Introducing a new corpus of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) Skype conversations and its use in ELF-aware language teaching. Paper at TaLC 2018: 13th biennial Teaching and Language Corpora Conference. Cambridge, UK.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. July 2018. Resolving communicative issues in English as a Lingua Franca Skype conversations. Paper at ISLE5: 5th International Conference of the International Society for the Linguistics of English. London, UK.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. July 2018. Multimodal meaning making: Non-verbal levels of communication in a corpus of English as a Lingua Franca Skype conversations. Paper at ISLE5: 5th International Conference of the International Society for the Linguistics of English. London, UK.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. July 2018. “As long as people can understand it, it's not a problem ((laughing)).” – Developing an ELF-aware language teaching approach based on ELF Skype conversations. Paper at ELF 11: 11th International Conference on English as a Lingua Franca Teachers' Day, London, UK.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. July 2018. Negotiating identities in ELF Skype communication through the use of plurilingual resources, cultural stance-taking, and othering. Paper at ELF 11: 11th International Conference on English as a Lingua Franca, London, UK.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise. June 2018. “Knödel ((German)) ...  you know if you have that potato dough” – Definitions of code-switches in intercultural Skype conversations. Paper at INPRA 2018: 8th International Conference on Intercultural Pragmatics & Communication, Nicosia, Cyprus.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. June 2018. “Uh Bavaria ... even for us Germans, ... for us other Germans, they're still a little bit ... weird” – Negotiating cultural identities in English as a Lingua Franca Skype communication. Paper at INPRA 2018: 8th International Conference on Intercultural Pragmatics & Communication, Nicosia, Cyprus.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. June 2018. “And their aim is ... to understand each other” – Using examples from a corpus of English as a Lingua Franca Skype conversations to enhance pragmatic strategies in language teaching. Paper at INPRA 2018: 8th International Conference on Intercultural Pragmatics & Communication, Nicosia, Cyprus.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. June 2018. Tracking transitions: A corpus-based investigation of transitional clusters in Skype conversations. Paper presented at ICAME39, Tampere, Finland.
  • Diemer, Stefan, Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Collet, Caroline. May 2018. So, what about ‘so’? – The discourse marker ‘so’ in video-mediated communication in the Expanding Circle. Paper at Workshop on Discourse markers in the Outer and Expanding Circles: A corpus-linguistic perspective, convened by Sven Leuckert and Sofia Rüdiger, ICAME39, Tampere, Finland.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. November 2017.  “Sorry it´s really hard to understand you … ((laughing))” – Negotiating problematic interaction in Skype conversations. Contribution to panel 67: "Managing problematic interactions in digital business and occupational communication" at ALAPP - 7th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice. Ghent, Belgium.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. July 2017. Negotiating identities in English as a Lingua Franca communication via Skype. AILA - 18th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise. July 2017. “Uh … potat- uh pancake pancakish potato, […] it's called Dibbelabbes ((chuckles)).” – Defining code-switches in English as a Lingua Franca Skype conversations. Paper presented at 15th International Pragmatics Conference ( IPrA 15), Belfast, UK.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. July 2017. Describing likes and dislikes regarding known and unknown food items in German Taster Lunches. Paper presented at 15th International Pragmatics Conference ( IPrA 15), Belfast, UK.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. June 2017. Gesture as means of {air quotes} meaning making in ELF Skype conversations. Paper presented at ELF10, Helsinki, Finland.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. June 2017. Developing a taxonomy of gestures in multimodal communication via Skype. Paper presented at  International Conference on Multimodal Communication: Developing New Theories and Methods (ICMC), Osnabrück.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; Stefan Diemer; and Selina Schmidt. May 2017. Multimodal meaning making: Developing a taxonomy for the transcription of gesture in a corpus of Skype conversations. Paper presented at ICAME38, Prague, Czech Republic.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise. April 2017. Identity Construction in Contemporary Canadian Popular Culture: “Non, je parle pas français, ... I see subtitles under people when they speak.” Paper presented at PCA/ACA 2017 National Conference, San Diego, USA.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. March 2017. Language diversity in the classroom – New approaches to multilingual language teaching. Paper presented at SLI Conference 2017 Multilingualism in Society, Politics and Education, Freiburg.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. February 2017. “U:h, what did you say ((chuckling))?” – Negotiating communicative issues in English as a Lingua Franca Skype conversations. Paper presented at COMCOG 2017: Miscommunication - Getting Lost in Language(s), Fribourg, Switzerland.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. November/December 2016. Identity negotiation in intercultural communication - "but without losing your own ... personality or ... whatever you can call it ((laughs))". Paper presented at 5th International Conference on Multicultural Discourses: "Multi- Inter- or Trans- cultural Communication: Reflections", São Paulo, Brazil.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. November 2016. Raising language awareness – Intercultural and multilingual approaches in the English and French language classroom. Paper presented at IRAAL - Irish Association of Applied Linguistics Annual Meeting, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. November 2016. "I even think that our way of speaking in English reveals some of our personality or … or identity" - Identity negotiation in English as a Lingua Franca communication. Paper presented at AMPRA - 3rd International Conference of the American Pragmatics Association, Bloomington, Indiana, USA.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise. October 2016. "See we're not that different after all. {shakes head} ... ((hehe)) that's [cool]." – Cultural traditions, code-switching and the creation of 'America' as the 'Other' as identity negotiation processes in English as a Lingua franca communication. UdS American Studies Graduate Forum, Saarland University, in cooperation with German-American Institute Saarland.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. September 2016. “Mhm, ... okay so u:h, maybe we should start with this topic” – Conversation starts in English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) Skype talks. Paper presented at IWODA'16 - Fourth International Workshop on Discourse Analysis, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise, Stefan Diemer; and Selina Schmidt. September 2016. "... uhm Knödel ((German)) I don't know if there is a word in English for that ((chuckling))" - Context and discursive functions of code-switching in intercultural Skype conversations. Paper presented at ISLE4 - 4th Conference of the International Society for the Linguistics of English, Poznań, Poland.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise. July 2016. “Non, je parle pas français, . . . I see subtitles under people when they speak” - Identity Construction in Contemporary Canadian Music and Film. Paper presented at ICLA 2016 - International Comparative Literature Association XXIst Congress, Vienna, Austria.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise, Stefan Diemer; and Selina Schmidt. June 2016. "You are struggling forwards, and you don’t know, and then you … you do code-switching…" - Code-switching in ELF Skype conversations. Paper presented at 9th International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF9), Universitat de Lleida, Spain.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. May 2016. “Y- you just put everything in in the pan, and fry it up” – The British and American breakfast in online menus, Skype conversations, and in GloWbE. Paper presented at FaCT 2016 - Second International Conference on Food and Culture in Translation, Università di Catania, Italy.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise. May 2016. The language of children's recipes. FaCT 2016 - Second International Conference on Food and Culture in Translation, Università di Catania, Italy.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. March 2016. Food, language and identity. Organized Panel at International Linguistic Association (ILA) 61st Annual Conference, Hofstra University, New York, USA (as co-convener).
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise. March 2016. “You’ll need help from your adult assistant” – The Language of Children’s Recipes. Paper presented at International Linguistic Association (ILA) 61st Annual Conference, Hofstra University, New York, USA.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; Stefan Diemer; and Selina Schmidt. January 2016. "I mean ... we have good coffee in Italy ... why do we need Starbucks?" - "America" in the Construction and Negotiation of European Identities. First Virtual Conference on Language, Literatures and Cultural Studies. Mykolayiv, Ukraine, and Saarbrücken, Germany.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. January 2016. Communication and identity construction in a multilingual context – a linguistic approach beyond cultural boundaries. Organized Session (Symposium) at Linguistic Society of America (LSA) Annual Meeting 2016, Washington, USA (as co-convener).
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. January 2016. Communicating in a multilingual setting - Intercultural approaches to English and French language teaching. Paper presented at Linguistic Society of America (LSA) Annual Meeting 2016, Washington, USA.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. December 2015. “Okay, yeah uhm ... shall we start?” - Negotiating conversation starts in intercultural spoken CMC discourse. Paper presented at 5th New Zealand Discourse Conference (NZDC5), Auckland, New Zealand.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; Stefan Diemer; and Selina Schmidt. December 2015. “It’s incredible with fresh berries, in France or elsewhere” - Le discours culinaire se répand en ligne. Paper presented at the Colloque "La gastronomie à l’ère numérique," ATILF, Nancy, France.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; Stefan Diemer; and Selina Schmidt. October 2015. “... okay so good luck with that ((laughing))?” - Managing rich data in a corpus of Skype conversations. Paper presented at d2e - From Data to Evidence, Helsinki, Finland.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; Stefan Diemer; and Selina Schmidt. July 2015. Food goes online - "So, Knoedel and like, pasta, pizza and stuff" Paper presented at 14th International Pragmatics Conference ( IPrA 14), Antwerp, Belgium.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; Stefan Diemer; and Selina Schmidt. May 2015.“It’s always different when you look something from the inside” - Linguistic innovation in a corpus of EFL Skype conversations. Paper presented at ICAME36 - Words, words, words, Trier, Germany.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. January 2015. It’s all in the corpus: Corpus-based approaches to English cultural and intercultural studies in the EFL classroom. Presentation at MLA Convention, Vancouver, Canada.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; Caroline Collet; Stefan Diemer; and Selina Schmidt. November 2014 Quality TV - Die Sprache als Erfolgsgeheimnis? Keynote speech at Quality TV, Saarbrücken.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Selina Schmidt. September 2014. A piece of cake? - Developing a pragmatic annotation layer for a corpus of international academic spoken English. Paper presented at ESSE, Kosice, Slovakia.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; Stefan Diemer; and Selina Schmidt. August 2014. Starting Skype conversations: Pragmatic features and strategies in an English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) context. Paper presented at ISLE 3, Zurich, Switzerland.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; Stefan Diemer; and Selina Schmidt. June 2014. CASE – The Corpus of Academic Spoken English. Workshop at ICSE, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; Stefan Diemer; and Selina Schmidt. June 2014. Starting Skype conversations: Pragmatic features and strategies in an English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) context. Paper presented at ICSE, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; Stefan Diemer; and Selina Schmidt. May 2014. Better than the real thing? Food talk in online discourse. Paper presented at FaCT, Bertinoro, Italy.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; Stefan Diemer; and Selina Schmidt. April 2014. Starting Skype conversations: Pragmatic features and strategies in an International English context. Paper presented at ICAME35, Nottingham, UK.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. March 2014. Web-Trends, Korpora und globale Werbung – Ideen für den interkulturellen Englischunterricht. Workshop at Bundeskongress Englisch und Mehrsprachigkeit, Frankfurt.
Gastvorträge / Vorträge auf Einladung
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. March 2024. Interkulturelles Marketing & Digitale Wirtschaft. (Intercultural marketing & digital business). Invited workshop and lecture at Ghent University, Belgium. Virtual talk.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise. November 2023. Teaching Sustainability Communication in a Business Context: Interdisciplinary perspectives and examples. Half-day workshop as part of the faculty event Sustainability Communication: Perspectives for Teaching and Research at the Department of Professional and Intercultural Communication, NHH-Norwegian School of Economics, Bergen, Norway.
  • Diemer, Stefan; and Marie-Louise Brunner. July 2023. New trends in webcare – Pre-empting complaints on Instagram and TikTok. Invited keynote speech at Language in webcare symposium: Interdisciplinary perspectives. Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands. 
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise. May 2023. Multimodal Sustainability Communication as a Strategy of the Food Industry: A Case Study of Sustainable Company Accounts on Instagram.Invited talk at Bremen-Groningen Online Workshops on Multimodality. Virtual talk.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. March 2023. Interkulturelles Marketing & Digitale Wirtschaft. (Intercultural marketing & digital business). Invited workshop and lecture at Ghent University, Belgium. Virtual talk.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise. November 2022. Chancen und Gefahren der Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation: Greenwashing im digitalen Kontext zwischen Authentizität, Imageaufbesserung und Reputationsmanagement. Woche für Nachhaltigkeit / Sustainability Week. Environment Campus Birkenfeld, Trier University of Applied Sciences, in cooperation with the other universities and universities of applied sciences in Rhineland-Palatinate, Birkenfeld, Germany.
  • Diemer, Stefan; and Marie-Louise Brunner. November 2022. "{closes eyes and chews} It‘s not ... a cool taste“  - Humor and interactive stance in food talk. Invited talk at Bayreuth Food and Language Talks (BaFoLa), Universität Bayreuth. Virtual talk.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. March 2022. Interkulturelles Marketing & Digitale Wirtschaft. (Intercultural marketing & digital business). Invited workshop and lecture at Ghent University, Belgium.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. November 2021. The Multimodal Discourse of Persuasion in Instastories. Invited workshop at Methods of Multimodal Narrative Analysis, Research group Narrative across Media at Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. March 2021. Interkulturelles Marketing & Digitale Wirtschaft. (Intercultural marketing & digital business). Invited workshop and lecture at Ghent University, Belgium.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. April 2020. Interkulturelles Marketing & Digitale Wirtschaft. (Intercultural marketing & digital business). Invited workshop and lecture at Ghent University, Belgium.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. March 2019. ViMELF – The Corpus of Video-Mediated English as a Lingua Franca as a resource for multimodal and pragmatic intercultural research. Invited research colloquium at Department of Professional and Intercultural Communication, NHH – Norwegian School of Economics. Bergen, Norway.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. March 2019. Intercultural Marketing and Digital Business. Invited workshop at NHH – Norwegian School of Economics. Bergen, Norway.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. February 2019. Interkulturelles Marketing & Digitale Wirtschaft (Intercultural marketing & digital business). Invited workshop and lecture at Ghent University, Belgium.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. December 2018. Intercultural Communication. Invited workshop at European Winter Academy 2018: Sustainable Business: Economy – Environment – Finance. EAO European Academy Otzenhausen, Germany.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise. June 2018. “YEAH ... okay u:hm ((laughs))” – Transition marking in a corpus of English as a Lingua Franca Skype conversations. Invited paper at ICNICE 2018: Pushing English to the limit. Innovation, creativity and communicative negotiation in native and non-native contexts. University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. April 2018. Invited paper at TaF - Talking about Food - Local and Global Contexts. University of Bayreuth, Germany.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. March 2018. Multilingual and Multimodal interaction in English as a Lingua Franca Skype conversations. Invited workshop and lecture at Dept. of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Verona, Italy.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. February 2018. Interkulturelles Marketing & Digitale Wirtschaft (Intercultural marketing & digital business). Invited workshop and lecture at Ghent University, Belgium.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. December 2017. Intercultural Communication. Invited workshop at European Winter Academy 2017: Sustainable Business: Economy – Environment – Finance. EAO European Academy Otzenhausen, Germany.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. July 2017. “... and their aim or their goal is ... to understand each other.” – Using data from an ELF corpus of Skype conversations to illustrate and enhance communicative strategies in a classroom context. Invited talk at ELF Research Network (ELF ReN) Symposium on ELF and Language pedagogy at AILA - 18th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise. June 2017. “Uh … potat- uh pancake pancakish potato, […] it's called Dibbelabbes ((chuckles)).” – Defining code-switches in English as a Lingua Franca Skype conversations. Invited talk at International Research Symposium, Trier University of Applied Sciences, Germany.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. June 2017. Multimodal meaning making in a corpus of Skype conversations. Invited talk at Department of English and American Studies, Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. March 2017. (Mis)communication in ELF. Invited talk at Lecture Series New Trends in International Communication – Doing Business in a Digital World, Trier University of Applied Sciences, Germany.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise. January 2017. Negotiating intercultural communication: Discourse strategies in ELF Skype conversations. Invited talk at Department of Applied Linguistics, Institute for Language and Communication, Technical University Berlin, Germany.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise. January 2017. "Okay ... so ... nice to meet you? {smiles}" – Negotiating conversation starts in English as a Lingua Franca Skype talks. Invited talk at Colloquium Projects in Interactional Linguistics (PrIL), Department of English and American Studies, University of Potsdam, Germany.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise. November 2016. “No that's true das stimmt ((German (0.6))) you're right” – Code-switching in ELF Skype conversations. Invited talk at Institute of Linguistics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. November 2016. Web-based approaches for the modern language classroom. Invited workshop at CLA Language Center, University of Minnesota College of Liberal Arts, Minneapolis, USA.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise. November 2016. “You know every region has its like … stuff you know” – Identity negotiation strategies in intercultural Skype communication. Invited talk at Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA), University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; Stefan Diemer; and Caroline Collet. September 2016. CASE: A corpus of international Skype conversations: Compilation, transcription and first findings. Invited workshop at Departamento de Filoloxía Inglesa e Alemá, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. April 2016. Web-based CLIL activities in the social sciences classroom. Invited workshop at 4th Obermayr Bilingual Education Conference, Schwalbach.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. March 2016. Web-based approaches for the modern language classroom. Invited workshop at LRC, Columbia University, New York. 
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise. January 2016. Conversation strategies in ELF Skype talks. Invited talk at Department of Applied Linguistics, Institute for Language and Communication, Technical University Berlin, Germany.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise. January 2016. Adapting language to our purposes - "So many Englishes, so little time." Invited plenary lecture at Department of English Linguistics, Saarland University, Germany.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; Stefan Diemer; and Selina Schmidt. November 2015. “And it all started with a big bang - BANG!” - Sprache und Humor in The Big Bang Theory (Language and humor in The Big Bang Theory). Invited talk at Erfolg in Serie (Serial Success) lecture series, Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut (German-American Institute), Saarbrücken, Germany.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise. June 2015. Negotiating intercultural communication: Pragmatic strategies in a multinational corpus of Skype conversations. Invited talk at Institute for Language and Communication, Technical University Berlin, Germany.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. June 2015. Kulturelle Konturen und interkulturelle Funktionen des britischen und amerikanischen Frühstücks (Cultural contours and intercultural functions of the British and American breakfast). Invited presentation at 2. Internationales Symposium zur kulinarischen Bildung - Denkanstöße und kulturpolitische Perspektiven. Alltagskulturen des Essens: Das Frühstück, Wiesloch, Germany.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. May 2015. Interkulturelle und multilinguale Ansätze im Sprachunterricht (Intercultural and multilingual approaches in language teaching). Invited workshop at Landesinstitut für Pädagogik und Medien des Saarlandes (Saarland Institute for Pedagogics and Media), Saarbrücken, Germany.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. April 2015. It’s all in the corpus: Corpus-based approaches to cultural and intercultural studies in English and French language teaching. Invited workshop at 3rd Obermayr Bilingual Education Conference, Schwalbach.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. January 2015. Enseigner l'anglais et le français langue seconde: Une approche interculturelle en ligne. Invited presentation at Université de Saint-Boniface, Winnipeg, Canada.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. January 2015. "It's delicious - you should try it" Food Discourse through the Ages - From Old English Cookbooks to Intercultural Skype Conversations about Food. Invited presentation at University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada.
  • Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. May 2014. Ideen für den interkulturellen Englischunterricht. Invited workshop at 2nd Obermayr Bilingual Education Conference, Schwalbach.
Organisierte Konferenzen, Interviews, Presseartikel

Organisierte Konferenzen:

  • Symposium Sustainability and Tourism – Interdisciplinary Perspectives. 2024. Birkenfeld: Trier University of Applied Science. (Principal organizer). Weitere Informationen gibt es hier.

Interviews und Presseartikel

  • Zwei Promovierende stellen sich vor. Web. 2018. Campino. Trier University of Applied Sciences. Interview: Christina Biehl. Full text here.
  • Krimis auf dem Seziertisch der Sprach-Profiler. (mit Stefan Diemer). Web. 2016. Campus Magazin. Autorin: Claudia Ehrlich. 
  • Italiener kennen kein Spaghetti-Eis - Austausch über Essen bringt online neue Genuss-Kultur hervor (mit Stefan Diemer). Print. 25 September 2014. Saarbrücker Zeitung: Campus-Spezial. Interview: Claudia Ehrlich.
  • Gutes Essen bringt Menschen zusammen und baut Vorurteile ab (mit Stefan Diemer). Radio. 06 November 2014. SR2 KulturRadio. Interview: Stefan Kolodziej.
  • Wie produziert man Quality-TV? Krimiserien auf dem Seziertisch der Sprach-Profiler an der Saar-Uni (mit Stefan Diemer). Print. November 2014. Opus-Kulturmagazin 46. Interview: Claudia Ehrlich.

Projekte (Hochschule Trier)

  • Entwicklung eines Social Media Konzepts für einen Unverpacktladen (Wintersemester 22/23)
  • International Business Communication: Focus Social Media (Sommersemester 21, Team-Teaching (TT), Wintersemester 22/23)
  • Virtual Global Teams (VGT) – Fokus Belgien (Sommersemester 22, TT)
  • Instagram Relaunch eines lokalen Schmuckherstellers (Wintersemester 21/22)

Seminare (Hochschule Trier)

  • Seminar Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation im Businesskontext (Sommersemester 23)
  • Seminar Social Media and Crisis Communication (Wintersemester 22/23)
  • Seminar Social Media Marketing (B.A. NGO and Non-Profit Management) (Wintersemester 22/23)
  • Seminar Intercultural Communication (Wintersemester 17/18 bis 20/21, TT; Sommersemester 21, 23)
  • Seminar Business Foundation for Master of Fine Arts (Sommersemester 18, 19, Wintersemester 20/21, TT)
  • Existenzgründung und BWL für Bachelor of Fine Arts (Wintersemester 18/19, Sommersemester 20, TT)
  • Seminar Focus on Language: Communicating in a Globalized World (Wintersemester 16/17)
  • Seminar Fundamentals of Entrepreneurial Management (Sommersemester 17, TT)


  • Vorlesung Kommunikation/Präsentation (Sommersemester 23)
  • Lecture Series New Trends in International Communication – Doing Business in a Digital World (Co-Organisatorin, Hochschule Trier, Sommersemester 17)
  • Lecture Sociolinguistics (Saarland University, summer semester 2020, TT)

Introduction to Linguistics (Universität des Saarlandes)

  • Wintersemester 13/14 – Sommersemester 16

Proseminare (Universität des Saarlandes)

  • PS Discourse Analysis (Sommersemester 14 & 15, Wintersemester 16/17)
  • PS Pragmatics: Language in context (Wintersemester 14/15)
  • PS English as a World Language (Wintersemester 15/16, Sommersemester 17)
  • PS Variation in English (Sommersemester 16, Wintersemester 17/18)

Hauptseminar (Universität des Saarlandes)

  • HS Varieties of English (Sommersemester 18, TT)

Forschungs- und Examenskolloquium (Universität des Saarlandes)

  • Research and Exam Colloquium English Linguistics (Wintersemester 18/19, TT)
Betreute Abschlussarbeiten
  • von Hacht, Sandra. 2024. Durch Wissenschaftskommunikation im Planetarium vom Wissen zum Handeln - Ein Konzept für eine Planetariums- und Fulldomeshow mit dem Fokusthema Biodiversität auf Basis des Themenkomplexes System Erde. M.A. Sustainable Change - Vom Wissen zum Handeln, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Bühler, Rafael. 2023. Aufbau eines Private Affiliate Network für das Photovoltaik Angebotsvergleichsportal der WattFox GmbH. M.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Balke, Pauline. 2023. TikTok als effektives Marketinginstrument zur Steigerung der Markenbekanntheit eines Unternehmens – Forschung zur Förderung der Unternehmenspräsenz auf der Social-Media-Plattform TikTok. M.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Bertram, Rosa. 2023. Greenwashing als Chance für nachhaltiges Wirtschaften? Die Ambivalenz des Greenwashings als mögliche Triebkraft für nachhaltiges Wirtschaften in Unternehmen Eine Analyse ausgewählter Fallstudien aus der Textilbranche. M.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Schultheiß, Janne. 2023. Nudging im betrieblichen Gesundheitskontext: Meinung und Akzeptanz der Arbeitnehmenden. B.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Rösler, Björn. 2023. Identifikation und Bewertung von Einflussfaktoren auf die Glaubwürdigkeit von Social Media Nachhaltigkeitskampagnen im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel. M.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Flouli, Maria. 2023. Augmented Reality als Zukunft der Unternehmenskommunikation: Einsatzmöglichkeiten und Praxisbeispiel Green Alley Award 2023. B.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Biernat, Hjalka. 2023. Effektive Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation für Unternehmen am Beispiel der Instagram-Auftritte der Unternehmen Armedangels und Siemens. M.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Harutunian-Mascia, Armine. 2023. Social Media Marketing in der Umweltpolitik im Theorierahmen der neuen politischen Ökonomie und der Systemtheorie. M.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Jakoby, Hanna. 2023. Digitale Transformation von Geschäftsmodellen und Auswirkungen auf Unternehmen anhand von Amazon. B.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Lersch, Pia. 2023. Einflussfaktoren auf die Arbeitgeberwahl der Generationen Y und Z und deren Auswirkungen auf die Arbeitgeberattraktivität. B.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Kuhn, Katharina. 2023. Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung in der Betriebswirtschaftslehre in Deutschland. Eine Analyse des Status quo und Ableitung von Potenzialen zu Weiterentwicklungsmöglichkeiten. M.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Stoikevych, Kateryna. 2023. Comparative Analysis of Instagram Engagement Strategies of B2C Solar Energy Companies in the German Market. B.Eng. Sustainable Business and Technology, Environmental Campus Birkenfeld, Trier University of Applied Sciences.
  • Khanfar, Leen. 2023. A comparison of pre-covid and current social media marketing in the hotel industry. A case study of luxury hotels and budget hotels. B.Eng. Sustainable Business and Technology, Environmental Campus Birkenfeld, Trier University of Applied Sciences.
  • Vecchio, Alessandra. 2022. TikTok als Marketingkanal für Unternehmen. Wie Unternehmen die Marketingstrategien der Plattform Tiktok zielgerichtet einsetzen können. B.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Jung, Lea. 2022. Marketing in Zeiten von Krisen: Wie die Corona- und Klimakrise Einfluss auf videobasierte Werbung innerhalb des Lebensmitteleinzelhandels nehmen. M.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Zimmer, Johanna. 2022. Marketing in 15 Sekunden - Herausfordetungen und Chancen der Short Video App TikTok. B.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Knecht, Laura. 2022. Einsetzung eines Umweltmanagementsystems bei der Mosca GmbH gemäß DIN EN ISO 14001:2015. B.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Balke, Pauline. 2022. Instagram Story marketing ­ How international business successfully use Instagram Stories as a marketing tool. B.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Civitci, Ali Can. 2022. Adoption of Blockchain technology in marketing. B.Eng. Sustainable Business and Technology, Environmental Campus Birkenfeld, Trier University of Applied Sciences.
  • Groß, Jil. 2022. Webcare-Strategien von Unternehmen auf Instagram - eine qualitative Studie. B.Eng. Sustainable Business and Technology, Environmental Campus Birkenfeld, Trier University of Applied Sciences.
  • Khatisovi, Nikita. 2022. The impact of long-tail keywords on search engine optimization. B.Eng. Sustainable Business and Technology, Environmental Campus Birkenfeld, Trier University of Applied Sciences.
  • Lang, Laura. 2022. Influencer Marketing auf Social Media am Beispiel des Unternehmens NA-KD. B.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Lersch, Pia Mareike. 2022. Einflussfaktoren auf die Arbeitgeberwahl der Generationen Y und Z und deren Auswirkungen auf die Arbeitgeberattraktivität. B.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Magnes, Edyta. 2022. Online-Marketing und Social Media als Unternehmensstrategie - eine Analyse von Teveos Onlinepräsenz. B.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Notararigo, Vanessa. 2022. Betrachtung von nachhaltigkeitsrelevanten Aspekten der Sharing Economy. B.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Weber, Julia. 2022. Erstellung eines NAchhaltigkeitsprogramms für den BSH Standort Bretten am Beispiel der Neff GmbH. B.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier..
  • Willems, Juline. 2022. Webcare in der Tourismusbranche am Beispiel von Instagram. M.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Cuvalci, Ilayda. 2022. Social Media Customer Relationship Management in the Vacation Rental Industry. A Case Study of Airbnb and Booking.com. B.Eng. Sustainable Business and Technology, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Stumm, Andreas. 2022. Eine empirische Analyse zum Wandel der Videogames-Branche im Zuge der Digitalisierung. M.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.

  • Kannengießer, Stefan Paul. 2022. Multi-Channel-Strategien in der SHK- Branche am Beispiel von Villeroy & Boch. B.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.

  • Ugla, Christian. 2022. Branding für die Subkultur - Eine Fallstudie zu Werbestrategien für Cannabis-Zubehör. M.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.

  • Hoffmann, Susanne. 2022. Digitale Revolution – Veränderung von sozialen und unternehmerischen Interaktionen am Beispiel eines neuartigen Product-Service System. M.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.

  • Balke, Pauline. 2022. Instagram Story Marketing. How international businesses successfully use Instagram Stories as a marketing tool. B.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.

  • Krumrey, Jonas. 2022. Der Einfluss des digitalen Wandels auf die Finanzindustrie - Veränderung von Geschäftsmodellen am Beispiel von FinTech- und BigTech-Unternehmen. M.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.

  • Schuhmacher, Vera Maria. 2021. Strategieentwicklung eines Social Meida Auftritts der Braufabrik Events UG auf der Plattform Instagram. M.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.

  • Ganbari, Mandana. 2021. Arbeitswelt 4.0 – Digitalisierung im stationären Textileinzelhandel – Beschäftigungssicherung im Zuge der Digitalisierung. B.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.

  • Ebling, Eric. 2021. Die Customer Journey in der digitalen Wirtschaft am Beispiel von Amazon – Best Practice und Handlungsempfehlung. B.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.

  • Meiser, Viktoria. 2021. Analyse von Nachhaltigkeits- und Marketingstrategien für Outdoor-Bekleidung am Beispiel des Sportausrüsters VAUDE. B.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.

  • Schmidt, Marlon. 2021. Smart City – Chancen und Herausforderungen zur Schaffung einer nachhaltigen Mobilität im urbanen Raum. M.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.

  • Berrens, Tom. 2021. Social Media Marketing in der Lebensmittelbranche. M.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.

  • Lang, Marvin. 2021. Die Customer Experience der Eigenmarke Neatflow - Bestehende Konzepte und Handlungsempfehlungen entlang der Phasen des Kaufprozesses. B.A. Nachhaltige Ressourcenwirtschaft (Dual), Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.

  • Müller, Lara Maria. 2021. Lootboxen als Monetarisierungsstrategie für Videospiele - Eine kritische Betrachtung mit aktuellen Fallbeispielen. B.Sc. Medieninformatik, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.

  • Staudt, Frederik . 2021. Vergleich der Geschäftsmodelle eines Fitnessstudios und eines E-Gyms sowie der Einfluss der Covid-19 Pandemie. B.Sc. Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen/ Umweltplanung, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.

  • Rock, Peter. 2021. Regionales Social Media Marketing: Wie man Social Media nutzen kann, um eine lokale Zielgruppe zu erreichen, anhand des Beispiels von RegioSocial. B.Sc. Medieninformatik, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Bourgeois, Cindy-Sabrina. 2021. Die Digitale Transformation im Fitness- und Lifestyle-Bereich. M.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Pogostkin, Alexander. 2021. Smart Cities – Chancen und Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung im urbanen Raum auf Basis aktueller Studien und Fallbeispiele. B.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Lork, Carmen. 2021. Business via Messenger - How Chatbots enable conversational commerce. M.Sc. Business Administration and Engineering, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Schurich, Dominik. 2020. Umgang eines global Players mit logistischen Kennzahlen in der COVID-19-Pandemie am Beispiel der ZF Friedrichshafen AG. B.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Bier, Christian. 2020. Intercultural Business Communication in the Professional Services Industry – Comparing EY and KPMG with the Focus on Social Media in Luxembourg. B. Sc. Wirtschaftsingenieur­­wesen/Umweltplanung, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Diring, Helena. 2020. Soziale Medien-Präsenz von Finanzdienstleistungsunternehmen: Mit Best Practice-Fallbeispielen: N26, comdirect und ING Deutschland. M.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Preuss, Eva-Maria. 2020.  Chancen und Risiken von VR-/AR-Lösungen im Rahmen von Employee Empowerment bei der Eberspächer Exhaust Technology GmbH. B.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Hans, Samira. 2020. Influencer-Marketing: Anwendungsmöglichkeiten, Potenziale und Konzepte im aktuellen Marktumfeld. M.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Nadig, Magali. 2020. Social Media Marketing: Non-Governmental Organisations on Social Media Platforms. M.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Tahta, Funda. 2020. Entwicklung einer Strategie für Werbeanzeigen auf Facebook und Instagram zur Steigerung des Umsatzes der Firma Papierdrachen. B.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Pramanik, Ahana. 2020. Managing Cross-Cultural Workforce in an International Organization - Case of BMW Group in Germany and India. B.Sc. Sustainable Business and Technology, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Nöther, Dennis. 2020. Nachhaltige Musikfestivals – Lösungsansätze für eine zukunftsfähige Eventgestaltung. B.A.Thesis Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Plazibat, Mario. 2020. Social Media Marketing: Grundlagen und Analyse des Fallbeispiels „Fanta“. B.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Jung, Andreas. 2020. Ökologische Landwirtschaft als regionales und nachhaltiges Betriebsmodell. Direktmarketing in der ökologischen Landwirtschaft. Ist ein Mix aus Direktmarketing-Instrumenten in der ökologischen Landwirtscahft eine lukrative Möglichkeit der Umsatzsteigerung? B.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Boßung, Nora. 2020. Optimaler Einsatz der Digitalisierung zur Unterstützung der nachhaltigen Entwicklung in Unternehmen am Beispiel einer empirischen Studie der Lebensmittelbranche. B.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Schirra, Anne-Kathrin. 2020. #OldCars with #NewStrat Neue Strategien der Unternehmensinszenierung in den sozialen Netzwerken am Beispiel der Klassik Garage Kronberg GmbH & Co. KG auf Instagram. B.Sc. Medieninformatik, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Kurtenacker, Rebecca. 2020. Nachhaltigkeitsdiskurse heute - Wie Social Media als Sprachrohr einer Gesellschaft dient. Case Study: Zero Waste Philosophie. M.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Adamek, Jessica. 2020. Social Media im Unternehmen - Analyse eines erfolgreichen Social Media Auftrittes am Beispiel dm-Drogeriemarkt. B.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Krump, Maria Magdalena. 2019. Vom Beauty Blog zum Unicorn - Eine Studie des Instagram-Brandings der Kostmetikfirma Glossier. B.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Schmidt, Marlon. 2919. Vermarktungsmodelle und das digitale Geschäftsmodell von E-Scooter Firmen und deren Auswirkungen auf die Mobilität. B.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Willems, Juline. 2019. Marketingkonzeption eines mittelständischen Industrieunternehmens - Schwerpunkt Personalmarketing - Am Beispiel der Industriesteuerungs- und Automatisierungstechnik GmbH. B.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Clodo, Laura. 2019. CRM und Kundenverbindung - Die Bedeutung der Segmentierung im Dialogmarketing am Beispiel von Globus. M.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Zimmer, Fabian. 2019. Social Media Marketing in der Automotive-Branche. M.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Lork, Carmen. 2019. Online-Marketing & Branding in Social Media –Innocent Corp. im internationalen Vergleich auf Instagram. B.Sc. Wirtschaftsingenieur­­wesen/Umweltplanung, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • Klomfaß, Marcel. 2018. Entwicklung einer allgemeinen Social Media Strategie, erläutert am Beispiel der Koch GmbH & Co. KG. M.A. Umwelt- und Betriebswirtschaft, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hochschule Trier.
  • De Bourge, Michelle. 2016. "It's my turn to talk!" - Competitive and non-competitive overlap in Project Runway. B.A. English Linguistics, Universität des Saarlandes.
  • Scheidhauer, Friderikke. 2016. Identity expression in British musicians’ lyrics. B.A. English Linguistics, Universität des Saarlandes.
  • Association for Business Communication (ABC)
  • International Society for the Linguistics of English (ISLE)
  • International Pragmatics Association (IPrA)
  • Linguistics of Food Research Network (as convener)
  • OSSO - Online Selves | Self Online - Interdisciplinary Research Network
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